Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4

A guy who wants to make people laugh, feels ignored and is treated unfairly so he becomes someone else.



A guy goes to a new planet and becomes part of a group with cool blue skin to protect nature from people who want to take it away.



A love story blooms between two people from different worlds, just before a giant boat meets its tragic end.



A big fish scares people at the beach, and a few folks try to stop it.



People jump into other people’s dreams to plant an idea, but they have trouble telling what’s real and what’s not



A man gets stuck on an island after a crash and talks to a ball while trying to figure out how to leave.

Cast Away


A guy starts noticing that things around him aren't what they seem, and soon he’s shown a different way of seeing everything.

The Matrix


A man seeks revenge after losing everything, finding himself battling in an arena controlled by a powerful leader.



A guy who just got out of prison gathers a diverse crew to pull off a tricky plan involving multiple targets, a lot of charm, and a little bit of misdirection to outsmart the big guy.

Ocean's Eleven


An experienced guy returns to a place full of young, competitive people who fly. He’s put in charge of preparing them for something dangerous, while dealing with his own doubts and unresolved issues.

Top Gun: Maverick


An aging actor and his sidekick try to stay relevant in a town that’s moving on without them, all while strange events unfold around them

Once Upon a  time in Hollywoood


A clever young man masters the art of pretending to be someone else, staying one step ahead of a relentless pursuer, while both their lives become tangled in a game of deception.

Catch me if you can


A time cop has to fix a crime that hasn’t happened yet, but ends up getting tangled in their own life in ways that don’t make sense. There are secrets, loops, and things that shouldn’t exist, all leading back to one person they didn’t expect.



A writer visits a city at night and finds himself in strange encounters with people from the past. As time blurs, he starts questioning where he really belongs, but the more he explores, the more confused he gets about what’s real and what’s imagined. Things feel familiar, but they shouldn’t be.

Midnight In Paris


A young person with big dreams gets thrown into an intense environment where pushing limits isn’t just encouraged, it’s demanded. As they try to prove themselves, they find that success may come at a high price, but they’re unsure if it’s worth the toll on their mind and body. The lines between mentor and tormentor blur, leaving them questioning whether the journey is worth the pain.



A man lives a life where everything feels oddly perfect, yet something always seems off. He starts noticing strange patterns and people who act like they’re reading from a script. From the moment he turns into an unknown radio station world begins to crumble, he tries to break free from the rules he never knew existed, only to realize that the truth is more unsettling than he ever imagined.

The Truman Show


A man, who’s spent most of his days staring at photographs, is suddenly thrust into a wild chase for something elusive. As he travels farther from his ordinary life, he finds himself facing a terrifying drop from a helicopter, unsure whether he’s still in control or if he’s simply following a story that’s out of his hands. The adventure feels surreal, but it might just be the key to finding what he’s been missing all along.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


A brilliant mathematician starts receiving secret messages from a mysterious government agent, but his obsession with decoding them leads him to question the truth. As he forms bonds with figures who seem to always be around, he realizes that not everyone is who they appear to be, and his mind is playing tricks that could unravel everything he’s worked for.

A Beautiful Mind


A man pretends to be sick to avoid jail, but ends up in a place where the rules are strange and the people in charge seem to control everything. He shakes things up by challenging the strict leader, causing tension between the quiet residents and the one who runs the place. But as he pushes back, it becomes unclear whether he's fighting for freedom—or losing his grip on reality

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


A quiet, distant group of people who’ve been stuck in a timeless state suddenly show signs of movement. A researcher, desperate to understand, tries an experiment that brings unexpected results. The world shifts as they briefly emerge, only to find themselves trapped between two realities, with the boundary fading fast.

