Chick Flicks
In this animated movie, Mel Gibson must help some hens escape from a farm.
What is Chicken Run?
In this movie, Jack goes to a parallel universe where he married a girl he left years ago for business reasons.
What is The Family Man
A man must protect the last Bible on earth before it falls in to the wrong hands.
What is The Book Of Eli
In this film, a man who can shoot webs must fight a lizard man.
What is The Amazing Spiderman?
In this comedy, a man gets shot in the head, survives, and then wants to get revenge on the company that created the bullet that is in his head.
What is Micmacs?
In this animation, a boy named Charlie must find a Christmas tree with his friend Linus.
A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Based on a true story, this couple falls in love, however, one of them is rich and one of them is poor. To make matters worse their on a sinking ship.
What is the Titanic?
A detective uses new technology to figure out who blew up a ship, and eventually goes back in time.
What is Deja Vu?
In this movie, six superheroes join forces to fight an army of aliens.
What is The Avengers
In this comedy, a man accidentally erases all the tapes at a video store, so they create home videos in order to keep the business going.
What is Be Kind Rewind?
In this animated movie, a man and a dog must fight a giant rabbit who can only be killed by gold.
What is Wallace and Grommit: The Curse Of The Were Rabbit?
Benjamin Barry is an advertising executive and ladies' man who, to win a big campaign, bets that he can make a woman fall in love with him in ten days.
How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
In this 2010 film, a detective gets on a ship to get to THIS PLACE to investigate a controversial insane asylum.
What is Shutter Island?
In this movie, Batman must return after a number of years to fight a terrorist named Bane.
What is The Dark Knight Rises
In this comedy, two thieves face off at deceiving rich people in to giving away their money, starring Steve Martin and Michael Caine.
What is Dirty Rotten Scoundrels?
An ogre must go on an adventure with a donkey and a cat to find someone who can be the next king of a land called, Far Far Away.
Shrek the Third
A classic Disney fairytale collides with modern-day New York City in a story about a fairytale princess who is sent to our world by an evil queen.
What is Enchanted?
Bruce Willis returns in this action flick to fight a terrorist who is very good with technology.
What is Live Free or Die Hard?
A superhero discovers one of his fans from twelve years ago has become a villain, and now he must stop a giant robot that he has invented.
What is The Incredibles?
In this comedy, a bumbling detective must find a stolen diamond, starring Steve Martin.
What is The Pink Panther
In this film, a child must escape a parallel universe where her mother wants to sew buttons in to her eyes.
What is Coraline
Leonardo Dicaprio takes on this shakespeare story.
What is Romeo and Juliette?
In this movie, a group of highly trained men and one girl enter someones dream in order to extract information in exchange for money.
What is Inception?
A child is one of the few survivors of his planet, but grows up on earth to eventually face Zod, another survivor from his planet in this 2013 movie.
What is Man Of Steel
In this comedy, three prisoners escape in order to find a buried treasure.
What is O Brother Where Art Thou?