A girl's icy powers have trapped the kingdom and now her sister goes on an adventure with a man, a reindeer and a snowman to save everyone
A billionare and an inventor is captured by Afgan Terrorists and has to think extraordinarly to get free
Iron Man
A young noble englishman teams up with a rougue eccentric pirate to save gouverner's daughter from undead pirates
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
A viking and a dragon become friends and make a better future for the viking's island
How to train your dragon
A team of superheroes has to defeat a powerful villian who wants to destroy a half of the universe
Avengers: Infinity War
A doll lives a perfect life in her pink and glitter doll-world, until suddenly she starts to feel down and has to go to the real world to find out why
A girl goes through a secret door and finds herself in a house with a weird family
People find out the secret identity of a famous superhero. He asks a magician for help, but the spell goes wrong and weird guys from other universes start appearing in our world
Spiderman: No way home
A young bear travels from Peru to London looking for a home. A very kind Brown family finds him and offers him a loving place to live at
A group of animals who have spent all their life in a New York zoo end up in the jungles, and must get used to living in the wild.
A group of intergalactic criminals must team up to stop a fanatical warrior who plans to destroy the universe.
Guardians of the Galaxy
A new theme park creates real dinosaurs, which suddenly escape and now people in the park have to not get killed and put dinosours back in the cages
Jurassic Park
A wheelchair-bound man gets a new body of a species from a beutiful planet and starts fighting to free this planet from people from Earth, who want to use its resources
A USA pilot gets into Tesseract energy and becomes the most powerful superhero in the universe. The hero now has to save the Earth from galactic war between two alien races
Captain Marvel
A film crew goes to a tropical island for a location shoot, where they find a scary and giant gorilla. They take it to New-York where it takes the blond film star and runs away, destroying the city.