Classes & Grades
Clubs & Sports
School Rules
Who Can Help?

Which of the following is NOT a required class in 6th grade?

A - Math

B - P.E.

C - Band

C - Band

Band is an elective.


True or false: If you are REALLY GOOD at sports, you can be on the team even if you have D's and F's in your classes.

False! You have to keep your grades up to be on sports teams.

Can you bring a phone to school?

Most middle schools have the rule that, if you bring a phone to school, it has to be OFF and in your backpack. If they see it, they take it. 


True or false: You will know NO ONE in your classes on the first day of school. 

False! You won't know everybody, but you will definitely know somebody!


Who could you ask if you don't understand something in class?

Your teacher, your friends, or (if it's a problem that happens over and over) maybe even someone in the tutoring club!

What is the type of schedule called where you go to some classes one day (A day) and different classes the next day (B day)?

Block scheduling


What is the difference between a club and an elective?

A club is something you do before or after school or during lunch (like yearbook, community helpers, or SCA). An elective is a class for which you will get a grade (like band, chorus, or art). 


True or false: Your teachers will have your parents' phone numbers, like your current teacher does. 

True! You will have more than one teacher, but each of them will have access to your parents' phone numbers. Hopefully they will only need to call to make GOOD reports!


What does your School Counselor tell you about being drama-free?



True or false: If you get sick at middle school, tough luck: there's no clinic.

False! There is a clinic with a school nurse. You can ask your teacher for a pass to go to the clinic.


What is a G.P.A.?

GPA stands for Grade Point Average. You calculate your GPA by adding up your grades in each subject and then dividing by the number of grades. The closer to 4.0 (all A's), the better!


Can you participate in a club one year and then pick a different one the next year?

Of course! Trying different clubs is a great way to discover new interests, talents, and friends.


How much time will you have to get from one class to another class? 

It's different at different schools, but it's usually between 3-5 minutes. Being tardy to class may have a consequence on your grades, so stick to your schedule!


What could you do to make sure you have someone to sit with at lunch the first day?

Find out when your friends' lunches are (once schedules come out); ask someone in your class right before lunch if they want to sit together; find someone who is sitting alone and help them out!!


Who can help if something really bad happens to you - like a family situation at home, friendship drama, or just really hard feelings like depression or anger or worry?

Your School Counselor! And at middle schools, there's a whole TEAM of them!


True or false: Your grades and test scores in 6th grade will partially determine what classes you can take in 7th grade.

True! Your School Counselor will help you figure out what classes to take in 7th grade, but he/she will look at your 6th grade scores to see whether you can take more electives or if you need more time in reading or math.


What should you do if you kind of want to be on a sports team, but you've never played on a rec team before so you don't know if you'll make the team?

Try out! You DEFINITELY won't make the team if you don't try out!


True or false: Fighting on the bus can get you put out of a club or off a sports team.

True! The bus stop and the bus ride are all part of school. Following the rules there is just as important as following them at school. 


What are your options if your friend from Chamberlayne makes a new friend in middle school?

Become their friend too or leave them alone... old friends are allowed to make new friends!


Who could you tell if someone is hurting you - at home, at school, or even someone you're dating?

Every single staff person at middle school can help you or get you to a person who can help. The School Counselor is a great person to tell, but if you're not comfortable with him/her, what about the nurse, principal, or one of your teachers?


Can you name 5 classes you are signed up for for 6th grade?

Everyone will take Reading/English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Do you know your elective?

This summer, what could you do to find out about the clubs at your middle school? 

Look at the school's website! Just google the name of the middle school, or go to the HCPS homepage and find each middle school's webpage from there.


True or false: You can use your school laptop for absolutely anything you want!

False: Using your laptop appropriately is part of the school rules. Doing inappropriate things online can result in serious consequences, both at school and even with the law.


What should you do if someone you don't know tries to connect with you on social media? 

Think carefully before accepting; you may not want to. Try to be connected to only people you know and trust online, to avoid drama and stay safe.


If you get lost trying to find your classes, who can help?

Ask anyone around! Teachers will be on the lookout for lost 6th graders for the first few weeks of school. You will not be the only one learning your way. Take a deep breath - you can figure it out!
