Name the first Core Value and what it means.
Do the right thing: We believe in striving to do the right thing because we genuinely care about our customers, the work we do, and our personal and professional character. Every day, we uphold high standards of safety and ethics to ensure our customers feel secure and happy.
In which tab in the customer card can you see a customer's balance?
Invoices (or overview)
What is a cancel request?
Anyone who wants to take action to cancel their service today
When a customer calls in after 8 am MDT to cancel their appointment, what is the proper procedure?
No show! You will no show the stop off the route, let Scheduling/MC know and reschedule the customer
The first day of Autumn in 2023 is/was..
September 23rd
Name Core Value #2 and what it means
Be Nice: We want to make our community a better place, and part of that is being a friendly, helpful neighbor. We think kindness is contagious and we believe small gestures can have a big impact. That’s why we look for ways to make people happy. Greeting you with a smile, leaving you a detailed note, or responding to your needs as quickly as possible. The golden rule is our compass.
What is the difference between ACH and a check?
ACH - Pulls the funds electronically directly from the customer's bank account.
Checks are when a customer writes out an actual check and it is given to the billing department and then is deposited daily to the bank.
A customer wants to cancel after their agreement is up. This is an example of what?
When an alert comes in for an appointment to be no showed, what should be the first step, second step, and third step?
1. Put the alert in review (DO NOT COMPLETE UNTIL DONE)
2. No show the appointment (follow no show guidelines)
3. Reschedule the customer
____ is a Hindu festival that takes place in the fall.
Name Core Value #3 and what it means
Be the solution: We eagerly take ownership of what’s in our control to get a job done right. When the going gets tough, we put on our game face and turn obstacles into opportunities. It’s an understatement to say we take pride in our work. We live by the motto: "If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.” That means we work diligently, efficiently, and happily.
Can an account be scheduled for a reservice or quarterly if they have a balance?
You are attempting to transfer a call, how long is the wait before you try one last time to transfer? BONUS: What is Account Care's Extension?
1 minute, try ONLY 2 times, send a task after
When scheduling a customer, should you go based off the routing region in the subscription tab OR the map in the info tab OR both?
BOTH! Remember when scheduling, mind the region and the pin on the map! You should be paying attention to the routing region on the route and also where it compares to other stops. (Some routes may be combined, so BE CAREFUL)
____ is known for being the largest pumpkin growing state in the U.S
Name Core Value #4 and what it means
Keep Improving: Because we care about helping our customers, we take pest knowledge seriously. Every local branch holds daily training, and every person on the staff is a certified pest expert which is a raised standard. And it means when you call, you’ll get answers
When updating credit cards, what is our goal?
TO have 80% of our customers on Auto pay!
If you add a cancel request note AFTER a resolution (cancellation or save) note, what do you need to do?
Back-date it. You will need to change the date to before the resolution note, if you change it to the same day, the time will remain, so be careful!!
What qualifies as an attempt for an ASWC customer (Ex. 3 att)
You will first call (if no answer, you will ALWAYS leave a voicemail), Send a text, and send an email. All 3 will be required in order to count as an attempt!
____ is the first state in the U.S to adopt Thanksgiving as an annual holiday.
New York
What is our mission statement?
We improve the quality of life for our
customers, team and community.
For termite billing, how do you set up a new account with a quote of $450 install, $45 monthly?
What are the steps for sending a second cancel request within the same month?
1. Flag the account, and send a task to Anyone, Account Care saying "Second request in same month"
2. Do NOT create a second cancel request note, add a cancel pending note code to your note
3. Either transfer the call live or let customer know that we will call them back
How would you handle the following ASWC customers?1. Manual Schedule
2. Always speak with cx to schedule
3. Call to schedule
4. 3 atts
5. * 3+ day notice, no same day, knock and speak w/ cx upon arrival - do not remove
6. SCHD W/2331214
7. saturdays or 3-5pm* PLEASE ADD $30 COUPON FOR REF OF 3660955*
9. *8a-10 ALWAYS
10. must schd to have stop completed before 8am, between 1-2pm, after 5pm, 3-5 on Friday.
1 answer for each, 1 rep, 500 points each
Paola's FAVORITE Thanksgiving meal is ____.