You should be to homeroom no later than this time
8:30 am
Where are the class school supplies located in the room?
In the filing cabinet
Class Dojo
What are you expected to do if you are completed with your work?
Independently read?
What will you have for homework every night?
Reading 20 minutes
Do Now means
Where should breakfast be thrown out?
The hallway garbage
Name one Hallway expectation
Keep hands and feet to yourself at all times
Where do I find the "Purpose" of learning each subject in the room?
On the board in front of the class
What do you do if you want to borrow a book from the class library?
Sign the book out with your name and date
What voice level should you be at when you are working in a small group
Voice Level 3
Where do I find the homework written in the classroom?
On the board
What line do you follow in the hallway?
The Gold Line
What materials should you have in class?
Notebooks, pens, pencils
What are 3 things we will be learning this year?
What bathrooms are designated for 6th graders?
Downstair, across from stairs, and upstairs across from stairs
What voice level should you be at in the hallway?
Voice Level 0
What is one way to be safe in the restrooms?
Dry hands properly
Name 2 items that must be in your locker
Cellphones, backpacks
What do you do during a lockdown and lockout?
Make sure the doors and windows are closed and locked you are silent and wait for teachers directions. If you have a sub, use the pink card by the door.
What should you carry every time you leave the classroom?
A pass
What do you do during a fire drill?
Silently Line Up and follow teacher out of the classroom. Absolutley no talking.
What times should you be going to your locker?
Before homeroom, before and after lunch and at the end of the day
Using 1, 2, 3, 4