The largest species of Pacific Salmon.
What is Chinook
Adult salmon lay these on the riverbed.
What is eggs.
The large fin at the back of the salmon that it uses to move.
What is tail.
Big predatory bird with a white head and yellow beak.
What is bald eagle.
This large black and white predator loves to eat salmon in the Ocean.
What is Orca Whale (Killer Whale).
A type of trout that is considered a salmon when it goes to the ocean.
What is Steelhead Salmon.
When salmon hatch they are called this.
What is alevin.
A salmon's skin is covered with these.
What is scales.
Smaller species of it's type in BC. Brown in color. Some are white. Retractable claws. Powerful jaws.
What is black bear.
This type of salmon is farmed in BC but is not from BC.
What is Atlantic Salmon
Considered the best tasting salmon species.
What is Sockeye Salmon.
Salmon that go to the ocean. Not yet adults.
What is smolts.
The fin just behind a salmon's gills.
What is pectoral fin.
A name for things that eat dead animals like spawned out salmon.
What is scavengers.
This type of wood is used to cook salmon on a BBQ to give it more flavour.
What is Cedar.
This name for Sockeye Salmon that only live in lakes.
What is Kokanee.
Baby salmon that are able to swim on their own.
What are fry.
The organ a salmon uses to breathe.
What is gills.
Largest of it's type in BC. Has a hump. Walks on 4 legs. Found high in mountains.
What is Grizzly Bear.
Salmon are born in the ____________ and move to the _________ as adults and then lay there eggs in the _________.
River Ocean River
Valentine's Day salmon.
What is Pink Salmon.
Another name for adult salmon that are ready to spawn.
What is spawners.
The fin on top of a salmon's back.
What is dorsal fin.
Walks on two legs. Uses tools to catch salmon.
What is humans.
Places that artificially spawn and raise salmon are known as this.
What is hatchery.