Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
Transition Procedures
School rules
Cooperative Groups

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.


What do you do when you get off bus?

Scholars should either report to cafeteria for breakfast or lineup in front of their classroom. No scholar should go  into a classroom that is not supervised by a staff member. Scholars should go to locker before school.


What do you when you walk to the special class and/or lunch?

You walk in a quietly and straight line. Line leader will lead the line and wait until everyone is quiet to transition. Line navigator will be last person in line that will turn off lights and shut door.


When you come to school late like after 7:30, what do you do?

You need to go to the office to get a late slip.


How do you get your group to work together?

By taking turns talking and sharing.


What do you do to help other be a better scholars?

You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!


How do you ask for help in class?

You raise hand for assistance and wait quietly. If it is a group activity, ask your partner and/or group members. "Three Before Me"

When the bell ring during recess what do you do?
You must freeze.

What stairway should scholars go for emergency evacuation? 

Scholars will follow their classroom evacuation maps and teacher will direct them.


How many people is considered a group?

2 or more people.


How do scholars respect other scholars properties?

By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before taking anything.


When can I use the bathroom?

All scholars should go to bathroom before school and/or lunch recess. But you can also go once in the morning and once in afternoon. Scholars have 5 minutes to return back to class.


What happens  when your late back to class after getting water and/or going to the bathroom?

You might get  a phone call home, fine, demerit, lunch detention and/or lose your recess time.


How do you get a demerit?

By fighting, harassing others, inappropriate social media behavior, threatening others, and disobeying staff members.


Why are there classroom job assignments?

Jobs are to be done to maintain a positive classroom culture.


What kind of food can students have in class?

Water Bottles Only... Scholars should eat all foods before entering classroom. There is no eating in the classroom before school and/or during specials 


When can I sharpen my pencil?

There will be a classroom assistant to sharpen pencils before school, during recess time and/or afterschool. Scholars will be assigned two pencils each class period. Classroom assistant will collect all pencils at the end of period and/or at last the day.


What do you do at lunch walk?

Scholars should be respectful of neighborhood, speaking at a low volume, staying in line, not engaging with community members and/or no picking up items off ground. "Fines/Demerit-Phone Call Home"


How do students get a merit?

S.T.A.R Behavior, H.A.L.L, CORE Values and 21st Century Skills.


What does a good working group look like?

They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting your work or project done.


How can you respect your special teachers?

By listening to them, actively participating, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and/or gestures.


How do students line up?

Scholars will lineup by rows. Teacher will call on each row that is prepared to transition to next class and/or activity.


How should you behave in the hallway to the cafeteria?

You should be quietly walking to the right at all times because it is called the quiet zone. "Remember H.A.L.L."


When can you go out of the class?

You can't unless your teacher sends you with a note or a hall pass.


What kind of noise will working in group sound like?

Scholars talking quietly but not disrupting others.


How should you behave transitioning down the stairs?

You should all remain to the right quietly, because it is part of the quiet zone. Scholars are following line leader up and down each flight. Line Leader will not transition until everyone is quiet.


When can we use the computers?

Only during class instruction. No scholars should be on computers before school and/or during specials without teachers permission.
