Black Death
Magna Carta
Hundred Years War
Diffusion of Islam /Islamic Contributions
The Crusades
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Which statement best explains how the Black Plague impacted Europe’s economy?

A. The plague stifled Europe’s economy resulting in a surplus of labor that caused wages to increase. 

B. The scarcity of labor caused by the Plague revitalized Europe’s economy allowing workers to demand higher wages.  

C. As a result of the plague, there was a scarcity of labor weakening Europe’s economy allowing workers to demand lower wages. 

D. The plague caused a scarcity of labor weakening Europe’s economy, resulting in workers demanding higher wages and the end of manorialism.  

D. The plague caused a scarcity of labor weakening Europe’s economy, resulting in workers demanding higher wages and the end of manorialism.  


What was the political system that dominated western Europe from 900-1300 A.D.?

A. Manorialism

B. Capitalism

C. Feudalism

D. Humanism

C. Feudalism


which of the best describes how the Magna Carta influenced Europe during the Middle Ages?

A. The Magna Carta provided unlimited power to the Catholic Church. 

B. The Magna Carta limited the power of the king

C. The Magna Carta limited the rights of the people

D. The Magna Carta restricted the rights of church leaders. 

B. The Magna Carta limited the power of the king


Which statement best explains how the Hundred Years’ War changed life during the Middle Ages?

A. The Hundred Years’ War spread the plague throughout Europe causing death and destruction. 

B. The Hundred Years’ War caused Europe to go into a dark period with little advancement

C. The Hundred Years’ War contributed to France conquering most of the land controlled by Great Britain

D. The Hundred Years’ War contributed to the decline of feudalism in Europe. 

D. The Hundred Years’ War contributed to the decline of feudalism in Europe. 


which statements best explain the impact of Islamic civilization on Europe?

A. Introduction of new forms of dance and music

B. Advancements in medical and philosophical knowledge 

C. Restricted trade routes and exploration

D. Spread of the Arabic language and culture

B. Advancements in medical and philosophical knowledge 


Which statement best explains how the Pope  used religious beliefs to encourage people to join the Crusades?

A. The Pope reminded Christians that it is their duty to help all people in need, whatever their religion. .

B. The Pope  noted that cities  controlled  by Turks and Arabs were dangerous for Christians. 

C. The Church promised  that anyone who fought in the Crusades would be forgiven for all their sins.

D. The Church warned that the Turks and Arabs would conquer all of Europe from Christians. . 

C. The Church promised  that anyone who fought in the Crusades would be forgiven for all their sins.


How did Muslim traders contribute to cultural diffusion in different parts of the world?

A. They brought Christianity and Judaism with them

B. They brought Islam, its culture, and the Arabic language with them 

C. They brought Buddhism and Hinduism with them

D. They brought only goods and technologies with them

B. They brought Islam, its culture, and the Arabic language with them 


How did the spread of the plague affect Jewish populations living in Europe?

A. The Bubonic plague led to a significant loss of life among the Jewish population.

B. The Jewish population was largely unaffected by the Bubonic plague, as they migrated to safer areas. 

C. The Bubonic plague resulted in the persecution of Jewish communities, who were falsely accused of causing the disease.

D. The Bubonic plague created new opportunities for Jewish merchants, as trade patterns shifted during the crisis.

C. The Bubonic plague resulted in the persecution of Jewish communities, who were falsely accused of causing the disease.


Which of the following statements best describes life in Europe during the Middle Ages?

A. The Middle Ages were a “dark age” in Europe, with almost no important art, culture, or educational advances. 

B. The Middle Ages were a time of great achievements in art, culture, and education, but the Catholic Church played almost no role in these achievements. 

C. The Middle Ages were a time when the Catholic Church made great achievements in art, culture, and education. 

D. The Middle Ages were a time of great achievements in art, culture, and education, but these achievements ended when the Catholic Church enforced unfair laws and building taxes.

C. The Middle Ages were a time when the Catholic Church made great achievements in art, culture, and education. 


Which of the following best describes the Magna Carta?

A. A democratic document ensuring inert and justice for all in England.

B. A royal proclamation ensuring the king kept all power in England.

C. A friendly compromise between the king and nobles in England. 

D. A document limiting the power of the king in favor of the nobles in England. 

D. A document limiting the power of the king in favor of the nobles in England. 


Was was the significance of Joan of Arc during the Hundred Years’ War?

A. Joan of Arc was a significant leader in the Catholic Church who helped spread the religion during the Hundred Years’ War. 

B. Joan of Arc was a source of inspiration during the Hundred Years’ War whose faith and passion roused French armies to victory.  

C. Joan of Arc inspired the creation of the Magna Carta following the Hundred Years’ War putting an end to feudalism. 

D. Joan of Arc was the main hero of the Hundred Years’ War who became a powerful female monarch following the war. 

B. Joan of Arc was a source of inspiration during the Hundred Years’ War whose faith and passion roused French armies to victory.  


What is the significance of geography in the growth of the Islamic world?

A. Caravan trade routes and sea travel forced merchants to go elsewhere to find resources. 

B. Deserts and harsh conditions isolated merchant populations leading to the spread of Islam. 

C. Caravan trade routes on land across Europe and NW Africa and sea travel from merchants spread Islamic culture and religion.  

D. Sea travel and land trade routes increased the spread of disease along with the Islamic religion

C. Caravan trade routes on land across Europe and NW Africa and sea travel from merchants spread Islamic culture and religion.  


Which statement best describes the Christians who traveled to the Middle East to fight in the Crusades? 

A. The majority of Christians who fought in the Crusades came directly from areas close to the Middle East, such as Constantinople. 

B. The majority of Christians who fought in the Crusades traveled directly to the Middle East from areas of Europe that were close to the Pope in Italy. 

C. Some Christians came from France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany) and went directly to the Middle East, where they met other Christians from Constantinople. 

D. The majority of Christians who fought in the Crusades came from France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany) and met in Constantinople before traveling to the Middle East. 

D. The majority of Christians who fought in the Crusades came from France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany) and met in Constantinople before traveling to the Middle East. 


What important contributions did Islamic scholars make in the Medieval world?

A. Advancements in art, medicine, science, and mathematics 

B. Advancements in literature, music, and dance

C. Advancements in agriculture, engineering, and transportation

D. Advancements in politics, philosophy, and theology

A. Advancements in art, medicine, science, and mathematics 


How did the Black Death get to Europe?

A. Car and train

B. Ship and Silk road

C. Mail and Air

D. Buggies and Mile runs

B. Ship and Silk road


Which statement best describes the activities of monks in Medieval Europe? 

A. Monks were fearsome warriors who were well-trained in combat. 

B. Monks ran prisons  for anyone who disobeyed the teachings of the Catholic Church. 

C. Monks gave up their connections to the world to focus on things like learning and education. 

D. Monks used their many connections to friends and family to create businesses and make money for the Catholic Church. 

C. Monks gave up their connections to the world to focus on things like learning and education. 


Why was King John forced to sign the Magna Carta?

A. to increase the power of the monarchy

B. to end taxation in England

C. to force the monarchy to give up power

D. to weaken the power of nobles

C. to force the monarchy to give up power


What was Henry Vs significance in the Hundred Years War?

A. His defeat at the Battle of Asincourt inspired the French to follow Joan of Arc. 

B. His victory at the Battle of Asincourt against the French won the Hundred Years’ War

C. His leadership during the Hundred Years’ war united England instilling national pride.

D. His disdain for literacy sent England into a dark period of little innovation. 

C. His leadership during the Hundred Years’ war united England instilling national pride.


 what was a significant factor in the rapid spread of Islam throughout North Africa and Southwest Asia?

A. Advancements in art and architecture

B. Extensive trade networks over land and sea

C. New innovations in farming

D. Advancements in weaponry

B. Extensive trade networks over land and sea


The city of Jerusalem is important to what three major religions?

A. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam

B. Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism

C. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism

C. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism


Jackie Robinson debuted in the MLB as first base for which team?

A. Saint Louis Cardinals

B. Brooklyn Dodgers

C. Los Angeles Dodgers

D. Brooklyn Atlantics

B. Brooklyn Dodgers


How did the Black Death spread?

A. Bacteria carried by fleas

B. Jews poisoning drinking water

C. Lepers open wounds

D. Position of planets

A. Bacteria carried by fleas


Which statement best describes the characteristics of medieval towns and cities Select all that apply. 

A. Medieval towns were larger than today’s urban areas and often built along trade routes used by the merchant class. 

B. Medieval towns and cities were often used to protect leaders of the Catholic Church.  

C. Medieval towns and cities were were smaller than urban areas today, and were often home to artisans, craftsmen, and merchants

D. Medieval towns and cities were built by the Catholic Church to provide homes near cathedrals for the faithful. . 

C. Medieval towns and cities were were smaller than urban areas today, and were often home to artisans, craftsmen, and merchants


What important charter was signed in 1215 in English by King John resulting in England becoming a limited monarchy?

A. Magna Carta

B. Code of Hammurabi

C. Twelve Tables

D. Declaration of Independence

A. Magna Carta


Who where the (TWO) people that played a major role in the hundred years war?

A. Edward III

B. Joan of Arc

C. Henry V

D. Shrek

A. Edward III

C. Henry V


Select the statement that best describes the benefits that Europeans gained from Islamic diffusion of Islamic culture throughout the Medieval World. 

A. Europeans gained access to advanced knowledge in fields such as art, science, and mathematics.

B. Europeans were introduced to a new form of government that replaced their existing systems.

C. Europeans were provided with a new system of agriculture that greatly increased crop yields.

D. Europeans learned new methods of constructing buildings that were more resistant to natural disasters.

A. Europeans gained access to advanced knowledge in fields such as art, science, and mathematics.


What religious leader from the Catholic Church helped to organize the First Crusade?

A. Stephen Harding

B. Pope Urban II

C. Saint Benedict

B. Pope Urban II


What is the traditional African-American celebration, also known as Emancipation Day?

A. Kwanzaa

B. Juneteenth

C. Black History Month

D. Martin Luther King Day

B. Juneteenth


How did the Bubonic Plague contibute to the decline of Feudalism?

A. Killed off everyone in the Feudal system

B. Gave more power to the clergy allowing them to gain more land and taxes

C. Desperate need for workers and now workers could demand more rights

D. Stopped all legal reforms which gave power back to its original owners

C. Desperate need for workers and now workers could demand more rights


What do Nobles get in return for supplying the King with knights?

A. money

B. gold and silver

C. land

D. serfs

C. land


How did the Magna Carta influence the United States?

A. It inspired the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

B. It introduced the English language to America

C. It led to the American Civil War

D. It was the basis for the metric system

A. It inspired the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution


Who fought in the Hundred Years' War?

A. England and the U.S.

B. England and France

C. France and Spain

D. Germany and France

B. England and France


Which statement best explains one way Islamic culture and Arabic language spread throughout the Medieval World?

A. European scholars had to learn Arabic to unlock knowledge about science and math from Islamic texts. 

B. Merchants spread ideas about medicine and  mathematics along trade routes across Northwest Africa, Southwest Asia, and Europe. 

C. Scholars studied teachings from ancient Greece to learn more about the world around them and the Arabic language. 

D. Islamic scholars traveled along trade routes teaching the people they encountered about their achievements. 

B. Merchants spread ideas about medicine and  mathematics along trade routes across Northwest Africa, Southwest Asia, and Europe. 


What was the original goal of the Crusades?

A. To make sure that kings no longer ruled over peasants.

B. To recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims.

C. To end Feudalism

D. To open new trade routes to the East.

B. To recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims.


🥁🎶 Let's dive into history! Congo Square is celebrated as a unique spot where enslaved Africans were granted the liberty to express themselves through dance and music. 🎉What city is this in?

A. Atlanta, GA

B. New Orleans, LA

C. Charlotte, NC

D. Times Square, NY

B. New Orleans, LA
