Music improves
workout performance
Laughing is good for your
Which age is good for gym?
The smallest bone in your body
is in your ears
one can have good
sleep, relaxation and rest
Not only is exercise good for your body, but it can also improve
mental functioning and mood.
Your heart will beat about a day
115,000 times
Your Sleep Pattern Will
Be Affected
Eyelashes last about
150 days
one can prevent
Exercising improves
brain performance
he heart can continue beating even
when it's disconnected from the body.
You Won’t Benefit From
Exercise High
The human body has
650 muscles
helps in burning fat and
reduce the cellulite content
More muscle mass =
burning more fat while resting
Your heart pumps about
2,000 gallons of blood every day
Only 13% of men are
physically fit
adults have how many bones
Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper in the 1960’s had introduced
a physical exercise to prevent a type of sickness that affected coronary artery
People who don't regularly exercise may lose up
The average heart is the size of a
fist in an adult
Movement in exercise helps relieve stress by
producing a relaxation response which serves as a position distraction
Babies are born with how many bones
300 bones
blood pressure