This primary feature of India's climate, is a seasonal wind pattern, that blow across the Arabian Sea carrying moisture-laden air causing heavy rainfall across the subcontinent.
In ancient China, the 1.__________ river, and the 2.__________ river aided in the growth of food by providing rich yellow silt for crops. Natural barriers consisted of 3._____________ and 4.__________.
1. Yellow
2. Yangtze
3. Mountains
4. Deserts
The 1.______________ were known as great international sea traders, who lived along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The primary item of trade was 2.____________, in which the color can be seen as a symbol of royalty. These sea people created the 3.___________ that we still use today, in which they passed to the Greeks, and the Greeks passed to the Romans. They sailed to Great Britain, and set up a colony in North Africa, and named it 4.________
1. Phoenicians
2. purple dye
3. alphabet
4. Carthage
1. The Bantu Migration (2000 BC to 1500 BC) likely started in which part of Africa?
2. What parts of Africa did the Bantu's end up settling in?
1. West
2. East, and Southern Africa
What is Mesoamerica?
a term used for areas of Mexico & Central America where ancient empires flourished
After the discovery of of the two cities, the Harappa and the Mohenjo Daro, why would archaeologist and historians believe that the Indus Valley people where and advanced civilization?
-both cities where planned, containing broad main streets,
-house small and large with courtyards, publics wells to supply water to everyone,
-bathrooms with advanced drainage systems that located under the streets carrying waste beyond the city walls
-A system of chutes took household trash from houses to street level garbage bins.
China's second dynasty, the 1.__________ dynasty (1750 BC to 1075 BC) believed in supernatural forces, in which priest communicated with the gods through 2.________, which provided guidance for kings. The kings realm was divided into territories governed by 3.____________.
1. Shang
2. Oracle bones
3. Warlords or military leaders
These people lived south of the Phoenicians, and were a minor factor in politics, but a major factor in religion.
What was the significance of iron tools in reference to the Bantu people and Sub-Saharan Africa?
The Bantu group were the first known to use iron implements in their agricultural tools as well as in knives and swords.
This made it easy for them to effectively till lands as well as win skirmishes against opposing tribes.
Appearing around 1200 BC, the 1.__________ civilization, was the first known civilization in Mesoamerica, also being known as the 2.__________ people, due to this resource being in abundance grown on trees in their area.
1. Olmec
2. rubber
The economy was based on 1._________ in which the flooding of the 2.________ river provided rich soil for crop growth. The Indus Valley people traded with the 3._____________ of Mesopotamia for textile and food, in exchange for lumber, cotton, luxury goods, precious stones, and cotton.
1. farming
2. Indus
3. Sumerians
The 1.___________ Dynasty (1045 BC to 256 BC) continued the Shang's way of ruling, but claimed that it ruled through the 2._________________, in which the king was linked to heaven and earth.
1. Zhou (JOH)
2. Mandate of Heaven
How does the access of God in Judaism differ from the access of God in other religions in ancient societies?
In other religions, only priests and some rulers had access to the gods, when Gods wishes were written down for the Jews (anyone had access) Torah, Hebrew Bible
Provide a description of the afterlife in reference to beliefs of the Bantu people
The afterlife, according to Bantu myths, is not a distant place up in the heavens or deep within the earth. Instead, it exists parallel with our reality - close enough for communication between the living and dead.
What was significant about the carved colossal heads of the Olmecs, and what likely did the colossal heads represent?
The significance of he colossal heads could be that the heads where carved with only stone tools. The colossal heads are likely to represent Olmec Gods or rulers.
Around 1500 BC, the Indus Valley people experienced a major change in culture, due to the arrival of nomadic people called the ______________
China focused on 1._________, a system in which every family member had his or her place.
During the Zhou Dynasty, one of the most important items of trade was 2._____________
Warfare changed in China due to the introduction of horseback cavalry and the creation of a new powerful weapon called the 3.________
1. Filial Piety
2. silk
3. crossbow
-This King expanded the government, the army, and trade of the Israelites
-Built the first Temple of Jerusalem (Israelite Kingdom and symbolic center of their religion)
-Under his reign, ancient Israel reached the height of its power
King Solomon
The Bantu people created key cultural elements that were the bases for later civilizations, including the
1. _______ speakers of the East African coast.
1. Swahili
The Olmec experienced plenty of 1.________ which allowed their two major crops 2._________ and 3.________ to grow. The Olmec traded for 4.______ and 5._________ in which they used to make jewelry, tools, and monuments. The important and oldest trading city was named 6.____________ in the Olmec civilization.
1. rainfall
2. beans
3. corn
4. jade
5. obsidian
6. San Lorenzo
Aryans started writing in 1.__________ around 1000 BC, recording their religious beliefs and rituals in a book called the 2._____________. Teachers were called 3.____________, and boys had to complete 12 years of school. Only 4.____________ could inherent property and become priest. There was a female suited practice known on fire as 5.__________, where a woman would throw herself on her dead husband's funeral pyre and then be set on fire.
1. Sanskrit
2. Vedas
3. Gurus
4. Men
5. Suttee
Why did the Zhou dynasty collapse in 403 BC?
The king was challenged by powerful states, which resulted in a civil war known as the Period of Warring States.
The Jews where 1._________ believing in one god, in which their most famous law or laws was the 2.________, which was received by Moses on Mount Sinai.
1. monotheistic
2. 10 commandments
1. Introduction of Iron Working/ Iron smelting for weapon and agricultural tools
2. Introduction of new crops, yams, bananas.
3. The introduction of a centralized government
4. Introduction of permanent homes
5. Introduction of subsistence farming ( growing enough food for household consumption, food for shortages, and food for trade)
6. spread of Bantu language and culture
How did the Olmecs influence later civilizations such as the Maya?
1. Stone ball court game
2. religion (Jaguar-like God, Feathered Serpent God- Kukulcan for the Maya and Quetzalcoatl for the Aztecs.)
3. Olmec Calendar and Numerical system.