Literary Terms
Reading Passages
The Outsiders
Greek/Latin Roots

The attitude toward a topic an author reveals in a piece of nonfiction writing shows

Author's point of view


Choose the main idea in the following passage:

(1)Some written and archaeological evidence indicates that the women warriors called Amazons actually existed. (2) In his writings, the Roman historian Herodotus referred to fierce women warriors who swept down from the northeast and attacked Mediterranean settlements. (3) In 1997, on the border of Russia and Kazakhstan, archaeologists discovered fifty burial mounds containing the skeletons of women who were buried with swords, arrowheads, and other weapons. (4) One skeleton showed a deadly weapon-inflicted wound. (5) Several skeletons were bow-legged, suggesting a life on horseback.

 (1)Some written and archaeological evidence indicates that the women warriors called Amazons actually existed.


Where does Ponyboy meet Cherry?

The movie theater


This Greek root word means self



a short statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, etc., and is developed, supported, and explained in the text by means of examples and evidence.



The act of creating or developing a character. Could be direct or indirect.



What is the main idea of this passage?

(1) Today’s full-time workweek of forty hours is considerably less than it was in the late 1800s. (2) Bricklayers, carpenters, and other laborers in the building trades generally worked ten hours a day. (3) A factory worker usually worked at least twelve hours a day. (4) During the summer, many mills ran from sunrise to sunset, with shifts lasting as long as sixteen hours. (5) In 1860 an average workweek was sixty-six hours long. (6) Most employees worked six days a week.

(1) Today’s full-time workweek of forty hours is considerably less than it was in the late 1800s.


The older brother of Sodapop and Ponyboy.



This greek root word "dem" means 



What is the mission of Frisco Independent School District?

Our mission is to know every student by name and need.


a struggle between two opposing vs. nature



Erosion of America's farmland by wind and water has been a problem since settlers first put the prairies and grasslands under the plow in the nineteenth century. By the 1930s, more than 282 million acres of farmland were damaged by erosion. After 40 years of conservation efforts, soil erosion has accelerated due to new demands placed on the land by heavy crop production. In the years ahead, soil erosion and the pollution problems it causes are likely to replace petroleum scarcity as the nation's most critical natural resource problem.

As we understand from the reading, today, soil erosion in America ----.

A) causes humans to place new demands on the land
B) is worse than it was in the nineteenth century
C) happens so slowly that it is hardly noticed
D) is the most critical problem that the nation faces
E) is worse in areas which have a lot of petroleum production

  B) is worse than it was in the nineteenth century


What state is the setting for the novel, "The Outsiders"



This latin root word means to break



The Grade 8 Tek that requires learners to make inference and use evidence to support reading comprehension.

Teks 8.5F


the statement of an author's position on a subject or issue



 (1) Of the 7.5 million people who live in Cairo, Egypt, more than a million are homeless; and hundreds of thousands of those homeless people live in an unusual place: a cemetery. (2) The City of the Dead is a huge, ancient cemetery spread out like a city in the desert. (3) Many of Cairo’s homeless people have made a home for themselves in the City of the Dead. (4) Often, a mourning ritual brings someone to the cemetery. (5) After someone dies, the family traditionally camps out beside the grave for 40 days. (6) For poor people, 40 days can stretch into a lifetime. (7) Widows often have no way to pay for the home they shared with their husband. (8) Some of them feel they have no option but to stay in the cemetery. (9) They frequently end up in a ramshackle building, sharing a small room with their husband’s grave. (10) Not all the buildings are shabby. (11) The cemetery also has elaborate small palaces built for dead kings and rulers. (12) The homeless have crowded into these luxurious buildings, which have domed roofs, stained glass windows, and gold accents. (13) Despite the eerie setting, life in the City of the Dead can look almost normal. (14) Some areas have electricity. (15) People hang out laundry to dry. (16) Children play in the streets. (17) People fall in love and marry and give birth, all while living in their unlikely home: the City of the Dead.

This passage suggests that

a. for a number of families in Cairo, the husband is the only source of economic support.

b. the poor in Egypt are generally content with their position in life.

c. the residents of the City of the Dead have other places they could go to live, but prefer to live among the elaborate palaces of dead kings and rulers.


a. for a number of families in Cairo, the husband is the only source of economic support.



What two rival Gangs are depicted in "The Outsiders"?

The Socs and the Greasers


The latin root word "lingu" means



How many middle schools are in the Frisco Independent School district?



makes a comparison between two or more things that are similar in some ways but otherwise unlike



How do we Know what we Know?

We form a belief system based on our personal and social experiences which impact our social and emotional learning.


What is type of conflict is evidenced by the gang warfare in "The Outsiders"?

Man vs. Man


Many countries have outlawed _____ because they feel it is better to only have one spouse.



The system used by Scoggins students during assessments to maximize their potential for the correct response.

The TALLY system
