The event unfitting of it's name
The triumphal entry
The bread of life
The final event
The significance of the saying; "I am"
Jesus claims to be God
The traditional figures who made triumphal rides in Jesus' time
The event in commemoration of the Exodus in Egypt
Passover Meal
He protects us
The gate for the sheep
The 7th event
The peoples expectations of the Messiah
He would overthrow their gentile oppressors
The ultimate accomplishment of Jesus's death
The event that had Jesus saying "Woman, here is your son"
He has sacrificial love
The good shepherd
The 1st event
Triumphal entry
True or false, Jesus' actions at the temple matched the Israelites expectations
True or false, Christian faith would be the same if Jesus never rose from the dead
The event that had Jesus quoting Jeremiahs words of judgement over Israel
The cleansing of the temple
He offers eternal life
The resurrection life
Which came first, trial before Pilate, or Trial before Sanhedrin
Trial before Sanhedrin
Jesus' criticism of the Temples actions toward the Gentiles
They failed to extend God's word
The difference in Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusulem
He humbled Himself
Jesus stood before Caiaphas and Annas
Trial before Sanhedrin
The true vine
The 4th event
Garden of Gesthemane
The way in which Jesus fulfilled the meaning of passover
Jesus' role in heaven currently
He serves as intercessor for humanity