How many legs does a spider have?
After we use the bathroom, we should do this.
Wash our hands!
I am an arm muscle that people like to flex to look strong.
Bicep Muscle
This is a game where you dribble a ball, pass a ball to a teammate, and shoot a ball into a hoop.
What is the tallest land animal?
To keep our teeth healthy we should do this?
Brush our teeth!
I am an arm muscle underneath the bicep muscle.
Strawberries, Cherries, Apples, and Pears are part of this food group.
You are not allowed to use your hands in this sport unless you are the goalie. You mostly use your feet to kick the ball.
What is the fastest land animal?
A Cheetah!
To keep our bodies clean, we should do this?
Take a shower or bath!
I am a group of muscles located around the stomach.
Food such as chips, candy, ice cream, and fast food have a nick name. What do people call these foods?
Junk Food
Athletes wear pads and helmets to protect themselves. The goal is to score touch downs or kick field goals to get the most points for your team.
What do bees make? It tastes sweet and yummy.
If we exercise and get sweaty, our clothes might get stinky. What should we do?
Change our clothes or wash the clothes!
I am a group of four muscles on the upper, front part of the leg. People also call it your thigh.
Carrots, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts and Peppers are part of this food group?
These athletes are very flexible and compete on the balance beam, rings, floor exercise and bars.
What do caterpillars turn into?
What is the correct way to wash our hands?
Wash your hands with clean, running water and apply soap. Scrub your hands together for at least 20 seconds. Rinse with water. Dry them on a clean towel.
I am a muscle on the back of your leg. I am located below your knee and above your ankle.
Calf Muscle
Meats, nuts, and beans are important because they have a special nutrient that helps our muscles grow strong and healthy. What is this nutrient called?
You use a bat to try to hit a ball that is pitched to you.
Baseball or Softball or Cricket