I'd Like An Argument
Purple Prose
Rhetorical Questions
More Words To Know
At the Movies
An appeal to emotion.
What is Pathos (Pathetic)?
Having or exhibiting self-importance; making a large display of dignity or importance.
What is pompous?
In rhetoric, a comparison between two things typically on the basis of their structure for the purpose of explanation or clarification. (For example: When Forest Gump compares life to a box of chocolates.)
What is an analogy?
The person or people a speech or piece of writing is intended for.
Who are your audience?
This Pixar movie about a young girl's emotions will be in theaters May 2015.
What is Inside Out?
An appeal to the credibility of the speaker or subject.
What is Ethos (Ethics)?
Feeling or showing anger at perceived mistreatment.
What is indignant?
In rhetoric, the principle, provision or chain of reasoning that connects the evidence/reason to the claim.
What is warrant?
A person making an argument appeals to her audience by asking them to *do the right thing* and agree with her because she is a good person. This is an example of this type of rhetoric.
What is ethos?
This is the most controversial part for fanboys in the new trailer for Star Wars:The Force Awakens movie. (Hint: It's not the black stormtrooper.)
What is the new lightsaber?
An argument in which you attack the other person instead of his or her claim or evidence.
What is Ad-Hominem fallacy?
The word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun. Literally, "to come before."
What is an antecedent?
In rhetoric, it means giving two or more parts successive sentences in a similar form creating a definite pattern. "Wounds caused by knives will heal, wounds caused by words will not heal."
What is parallelism/parallel structure?
The duplication of a sound word, phrase, clause, sentence, or grammatical pattern.
What is repetition?
Disney will encourage audiences to see the new live-action Cinderella movie this spring by showing it with a new cartoon with characters from this movie.
What is Frozen?
In argument when you limit the choices or options to extremes with no middle ground or "gray area."
What is Black or White fallacy?
A clause that contains a subject and a verb, but cannot stand on its own. Hint: Santa's Helper
What is a subordinate clause?
In rhetoric, having the main clause or predicate at the end of a sentence to create emphasis. "Because she studied, Juanita passed the test." "In spite of heavy snow and cold temperatures, the game continued."
What is a periodic sentence?
A statement that modifies or limits the meaning of a claim. Example: It is not right to lie to people, but it is at times necessary.
What is an qualify/qualification?
This movie featuring DC comics villains who come together in a group was recently announced.
What is Suicide Squad?
When a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position.
What is a Strawman fallacy?
A sentence containing two independent clauses.
What is a compound sentence?
When writing a free-response argument in answer to a prompt, the author must choose to do one of the following. (Hint: it's another way of saying agree or disagree.)
What is defend or challenge?
The noun or noun phrase that could be the object of an active sentence appears as the subject. "The enemy was defeated by our troops."
What is passive voice?
When Sony Pictures emails were recently hacked, it was revealed that a studio head thought this about Angelina Jolie.
What is that she is spoilled and has no talent?