
What is Criteria?

the desired features of a solution


Which word best describes a constraint?

A. option

B. opportunity

C. limit

D. goal 

C. limit


What is an engineer?

A person who uses science and math to design structures, machines, and systems to solve problems 


What is technology?

Engineered products and processes that meet a want or need


Problem: My tire is flat, and I can't ride my bike. 

Criteria 1: The tire is full of air and I can ride my bike.

Criteria 2: The Leak is fixed.

How would you know if your solution works?

When I can ride my bike.


A team of engineers are asked to design pop sockets for kids in a variety of colors, for less then $3, using recycled materials. 

What is one of the criteria?

-design pop sockets in a variety of colors

-made out of recycled material


A team of engineers are asked to design pop sockets for kids in a variety of colors, for less then $3, using recycled materials. 

What are the constraints?

must cost less then $3


Fill in the Blanks:

All different types of engineers ask the same question.

What is the __________ that needs to be ___________?

problem; solved


In the late 1800s people had the problem of not being able to get from one place to another quickly. What invention do you think engineers invented as a solution to this problem?

Automobile (car)


Problem: My recycling bins are too heavy for us to carry

Criteria 1: I get someone to help me lift them.

Criteria 2: I take some things out of the bin.

How would you know if your solution works?

When you can move the recycling bins!!


A theme park needs to create an 8-foot long roller coaster. The budget is $4 million and needs to be completed by March 31st. 

What is the criteria?

Needs to be 8 feet long


A family is moving to a new house at the end of November. All of their things need to be in cardboard boxes and taped on both sides. 

What is a constraint?

Time (needs to move by the end of November)


What is the First Step of the Engineering Design Process

A. Testing Solutions

B. Designing Solutions

C. Identifying the Problem

D. Planning Solutions 

C. Identifying the Problem


Daily Double

In the 1970s people had the problem of not being able to communicate with others in a quick or speedy manner. Martin Cooper, an engineer, created a device as the solution to this problem. 

What was it?

a Cell Phone


Problem: We are going on a 2 week break and Plant Legend needs sunlight and water.

Criteria 1: Give Legend water.

Criteria 2: Give Legend sunlight

How would you know if your solution works?

When we return and Legend is still alive!!


For your science project you will create a volcano that explodes. The project is due next Friday. You are allowed to use cardboard, styro foam, tape, and paint to create the volcano. 

What is the criteria?

-a volcano that explodes


The zoo is adding a new encloser to the park. The encloser needs to have a small pond, plenty a trees for shade, and a small shed for storage. The zoo got a grant for $2 million to complete the project. The zoo will be closed during their off season to build the encloser.

What are the constraints?

-$2 million budget

-time (during off season)


Engineer Problems can be solved using ...

A. a system

B. a structure

C. a machine

D. all the above

D. all the above


Look around the class and

Give an example of a technology

a pencil, a pencil sharpener, a chair


When finding the solution to an engineering problem, there is/are usually 

A. only one possible correct solution 

B. a very limited number of correct solutions 

C. many possible correct solutions

C. many possible correct solutions


The zoo is adding a new encloser to the park. The encloser needs to have a small pond, plenty a trees for shade, and a small shed for storage. The zoo got a grant for $2 million to complete the project. The zoo will be closed during their off season to build the encloser.

What are the criteria?

-must have a small pond, trees, and small shed


Scarlett is going on a hiking trip with Kennedi. 

They have $500 to but all of the items they need and the maximum weight limit of 20 pounds. They will need cooking tools, items that will keep them safe, warm and dry, and to sleep comfortably. 

What are the constraints? 

money- only have $500

weight- can only weigh 20 lbs.


Plants must be watered adequately and get sunlight. The solution must work for two weeks and use only available materials. These are 

A: Wants or Needs

B: Causes and Effects

C: Criteria and Constraints

C: Criteria and Constraints


Mrs. Melancon has designed a birdhouse and must build a prototype for Batman. She needs to find a way to hold the pieces of wood together. What would be the BEST 2 tools for this problem?

Hint: its not glue

Hammer and Nails


ou begin to create a prototype of your design only to find that your solution isn't working at all. What should you do?

A. Add more tape

B. Go back to an earlier stage and choose another solution

C. Blame your partner

D. Keep going and hope it will be okay

B. Go back to an earlier stage and choose another solution
