The 5 tests of the ACT
English, Math, Reading, Science, Writing
Solid H2O, Solid H2O, Infant
Ice, Ice, Baby
ACT score needed for "full ride" to JSU
What is something that is tested on the Workkeys?
Applied Math (Consumer and Algebra), Workplace Documents, Graphic Literacy, Applied Technology, Business Writing, and Workplace Observation.
The Pre-ACT (10th Grade) will take place on...
# of Questions and # of Minutes for Math
60 & 60
I am going to direct my steed to an ancient city pathway
Old Town Road
What about scholarship money for Gadsen State?
What is a good score (passing score) on the Workkeys?
Silver - Test takers must earn a level score of 4 or better on each test.
Gold - Test takers must earn a level score of 5 or better on each exam.
Platinum - Test takers must earn a level score of 6 or better on each exam.
The ACT (11th grade) will take place on...
March 12
# of Questions and # of Minutes for English
75 & 40
I am the male antagonist
Bad Guy
Which 1979 film had the tagline "In space, no one can hear you scream"
What do you receive for doing well on the Workkeys?
National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)
The Workkeys (12th grade) will take place on...
(This is the 1st attempt)
Nov 1
# of Questions and # of Minutes for Reading
40 & 35
Do you favor my wig? Golly, that's appreciated, it was recently purchased. I view it, I fancy it, I require it, I obtain it.
7 Rings
Number of states in the
"Contiguous" United States
How many sections are on the Workkeys?
3 (Math, Locating Info, Reading Info)
True or False: If you guess, you should guess the same answer every time
True (but depends on how many you have answered)
# of Questions and # of Minutes for Science
40 & 35
I spoke, oh!, my vision is obscured by these illuminations
Blinding Lights
Which classic cartoon character gained super strength from eating spinach?
Pop Eye
What is the name of the test you need to take to enter the military?
(ASVAB) - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
True or False: If you leave a question blank, it won't be counted as right or wrong
False (don't leave any answers blank)