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Words With Students
Other stuff.

Looks like we're missing two hyphens. Where  can we put the hyphens to make this sentence correct?

A ship shipping ship ships shipping ships.

A ship-shipping ship ships shipping-ships.

Oh no, I need help with my scrabble game. Based on my starting hand shown on the board, what's a five letter or more word I can put down?

Faint (for example)


John killed David in his car.  

Who owned the car?



See the Fish and Chips Sign put on screen.  Put quotations marks on the proper words to make the following sentence clearer:

The space between fish and and, and and and chips, is not the same.

The space between "fish" and "and", and "and" and "chips", is not the same.


I've got a pretty good hand here, especially with the S.  I want to make a word that reaches a double word score for big points.  

State or Taste for example, playing off the Unfold or Faint.


Fill in the blank with many or much:

How ______ water do you need?

Wow, I earned so _________ points!

How ______ could wood could a woodchuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?





At minimum, how many different people named Will are featured in the sentence below?

Will, will Will will Will Will's will?


It's addressing Will.  This is likely the same will that own's the will at the end.

It's asking if Will will do something.

It's asking if the will will be willed to Will.


I'm stuck with too many vowels. Give me a word that I can put down that gets rid of at least two vowels.  

Wool, wail, for example.

Tell me and define a proper English word that I don't know.  

(We will check your definition) 

Congrats. You're the English teacher now.


For the following sentence, identify which Buffalo's refer to the city, which refer to the animal, and which refer to the verb, meaning to bully.  

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

1, 3, and 7 refer to the city.

2, 4, and 8 refer to the animal

5 and 6 refer to the verb.  


This is a pretty good opening hand.  Make a word that earns more than 20 points.  



There's three grammar errors here!  Note each of the errors below:

Anyway, is it all right if you are apart of the play with me so that we can be altogether?  I would be altogether very happy if there was anyway we could avoid being apart.

"a part of the play"

"so we can be all together"

"if there was any way"


Uh oh, the sentence below is missing its punctuation. Insert two commas, six quotation marks, and one semi-colon to correct it:

James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better impact in the sentence.

James, while John had had "had", had had "had had"; "had had" had had a better impact in the sentence.


I really want to reach one of the triple word scores.  What can I put down to reach a triple word score?

Smite, for example.


Using the Sentence Diagram brought up on the screen, write a proper sentence on the board.

Appearing in most newspapers in America, crossword puzzles are challenging yet exciting games for exercising the mind, and they give literate people with patience exquisite joy.
