Comparing Rates
Pop Music
Fraction Fun
Mystery Questions

The name of Andy's neighbor in Toy Story

Who is Sid?

Jill goes to a store where apples are priced at 4 for $2. Anne goes to a store where apples are priced at 6 for $6.  This person is getting the better deal on Apples.

Who is Jill?


This music superstar is named after the two days following Friday. 

Who is The Weeknd?


This is the fraction of pizza left over when 3 out of 8 slices are eaten.

What is 5/8?


The number of planets in Earth's solar system

What is 8?


Mowgli was raised by these animals in the Jungle Book film.

What are wolves?


In a marathon, Joey ran 15 miles in 2 hours.  Frank ran 12 miles in 3 hours.  This runner had the better time.  (show your work).

Frank had the fastest time at 4 miles per hour vs. 7.5 miles per hour.


This music group is currently known as the most popular pop music band with the most YouTube views and most hits on Spotify in a 24 hour period.

Who are BTS?


The solution to 3/8 x 2/4

What is 6/32 or 3/16


The number and names of the colors of a rainbow

What is seven including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet


This Disney/Pixar film includes the quote, "fish are friends, not food."

What is Finding Nemo?


The price per unit of a sale on watermelon selling 4 for $6 vs. the cost of honey dew melon selling 3 for $5 in the grocery store.  (show your work and the better deal)

What is $.66 per melon vs. $.60 per melon, with honey dew giving the better deal?


Ed Sheeran won the Song of the Year Grammy in 2022 for this song with the same meaning as things you are used to doing that are the opposite of good.

What is Bad Habits?


The rule for dividing fractions consisting of three letters

What is KCF?


The thing you are scared of if you have arachnophobia

What are spiders?


Angelina Jolie brought this Disney villain to life

Who is Maleficent


Jim and Stan were competing over who could mow the most lawns in their neighborhood in the fastest time.  Jim mowed 7 lawns in 4 hours, while Stan mowed 6 lawns in 3 hours. This person mowed the most lawns the fastest at this rate.

Who is Stan at a rate of 2 lawns per hour vs. 1.75 lawns per hour by Jim?


This country pop superstar declared in 2012 that "we are never ever getting back together".

Who is Taylor Swift


The quotient of 4/5 divided by 2/3

what is 12/10 or 1 and 1/5?


A Richter scale measures this

What is the magnitude of an earthquake?


The names of the seven dwarfs in Snow White

Who are Bashful, Doc, Grumpy, Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, and Dopey?


Two theaters in town were showing movie marathons.  Theater A was showing 6 movies for a price of $30, while Theater B was showing 7 movies for $28 during the summer.  This theater had the better deal at this rate.  (Show your work)

What is Theater B at a rate of $4 per movie vs. Theater A at a rate of $5 per movie.


This Irish music group currently holds the record for most Grammys by a music group, whose name consists of one letter and one number.

Who is U2?

The answer to which fraction problems involve changing fractions with different denominators to a common denominator

What are addition and subtraction (of fractions with different denominators)?


Water freezes at this temperature

What is 32 degrees Farenheit?
