What should you have out when you arrive at your seat?
Journal and planner
What should you do if you have a question?
Raise your hand
What is the appropriate volume level in group work?
Level 1
What should students do when you want to contribute to the lesson?
Raise your hand and ask questions.
Who dismisses the table groups at the end of class?
The Teacher
What is one way to be ready when you enter the classroom?
Pick up work and go to your assigned seat.
How should students complete their work?
Independently and on time.
How should students treat each other during group work?
Respect and Kindness
How should students listen during instructions?
Actively listen to all instructions
What should you do before packing up your belongings?
Wait until told to do so
What should you do during announcements?
Not talk during announcements and listen.
What materials should be out during independent work?
Pencils, Chromebook, journal, assignment.
What should you do if you need help during group work?
Ask for help from group partner or partners or ask the teacher
What is an expectation regarding note-taking during class?
All notes should be in journal
What is one responsibility during the dismissal process?
Wait till told, all trash picked up, Chromebooks put away or stacked
What is expected of students regarding timing when arriving to class?
Arrive on time
What should be done with the Chromebook after classwork is completed?
Chromebook put away or stacked neatly on desk
What is expected in terms of participation during group activities?
Everyone participates
What should you do if you need clarification on instructions?
Raise hand and ask question
What is 8th periods responsibility before dismissal?
Stack up chairs and Chromebooks put up and plugged in
What happens during the 1st period regarding chairs?
1st Period takes chairs down.
What is a key expectation during independent work?
Stay focused on task
What is the expectation regarding packing up during group work
Don't pack up until told to do so
What should you be doing during whole class instruction?
Listening and engaged in learning
Why is it important to stay focused during dismissal?
to ensure a smooth and respectful end to the class.