Who is the Ohio Gang?
Poker-playing cronies in President Hardening's cabinet
What handsome senator won the 1920 election with the promise of Normalcy?
Warren G. Hardening
What is Deflation?
When prices of products go down
What is a Quota system
a maximum number of people that can enter the U.S. from each foreign country
Who made the First nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic?
Charles A. Lindberg
What was the Teapot dome scandal?
The U.S. Navy Secretary leased oil reserves to companies in return for bribes
Who was responsible for the Teapot Dome Scandal?
Albert B. Fall
What is Buying on the Margin
Borrowing money to buy a stock
The eighteen amendment launched an era of prohibition. But was is Prohibition?
The manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol was illegal
What Jewish Composer got fame for merging popular concert music with American Jazz?
George Gershwin
What was the Fordney-McCumber Tariff
Raised taxes on U.S. imports up to 60 percent
This Person assumed the presidency after Hardening died and was very pro-business
Calvin Coolidge
Most widely used barometer to check on the Stock Market's health
Dow Jones Industrial Average
What was debated in the Scopes Trial?
Over the role of Science/Evolution or Religion in our schools.
What did the canvas of Georgia O' Keefe capture
the grandeur of New Mexico
What Does Urban Sprawl mean?
Cities spread in all different direction
These people were sentenced to death after arrested and charged with murder
Sacco and Vanzetti
What was Black Tuesday
It occurred on October 29, 1929 and more than 16 million stocks were dumped onto the market
What is a double standard? Specifically regarding men and women in our textbook.
A set of principals granting more sexual freedoms to men than women
The First American to win a Nobel Prize in literature
Sinclair Lewis
What is Xenophobia?
An unreasonable fear of people seen as foreign
The leader of the United Mine Workers of America Union
John L. Lewis
What was the Great Depression?
A period from 1929 to the 1930s where unemployment skyrocketed and the economy plummeted
The rise Nativism or the hate of foreign born people led to popularity of what?
Ku Klux Klan
What author criticized the glorification of war in his books?
Ernest Hemingway