Who is driving the Joads' vehicle when their journey starts?
What family do the Joads meet on the road?
Mr. Ireland's 22nd-favorite student. (very quiet, AC)
Antoine Campbell
Once in a blue moon
very rarely
How did the first Joad family member die and who was it?
stroke, Grandpa
Where was Grandpa Joad buried?
side of the road
What two teams are playing in this year's Super Bowl?
Chiefs and Eagles
Break the ice
make strangers more comfortable; make conversation
What is Ma afraid of as they approach the state line?
Tom breaking his parole
What is a Zephyr?
Two BHS teachers have last names that start with "A." Name them.
Brandon Armstrong, Dee Alsbrook
The Ball Is In Your Court
asking somebody to make a decision
What does Tom realize about the service station owner in Chapter 12?
everybody is struggling
Another word for a handbill. (Starts with an "f")
to hear
Name two BHS teachers whose names begin with "D."
Cost and arm and a leg
very expensive
With what religious figure does Jim Casy share initials?
Jesus Christ
Name the first names of the Wilson couple the Joads meet.
Ivy and Sairy
Name 3 of the 4 guidance counselors at BHS.
Debbie Arguello, Nina Makris, Catherine Thomas, Dwana Sneed
Bury the hatchet
end a disagreement; make peace