What kind of vehicle swerved to avoid hitting the turtle?
What was strange about the farm when Tom and Casy arrived?
Nobody was there.
Step up your game
perform better
Author of Into the Wild
Jon Krakauer
In what year did this school open?
What kind of vehicle swerved to hit the turtle on purpose?
What's the opposite of factory liquor?
Straight from the horse's mouth
directly from the person involved
Slave's name in The Crucible
Who coaches wrestling at BHS?
What profession does Jim Casy no longer practice?
For what people is the turtle a metaphor?
farmers and their families in the Dust Bowl
Up a creek without a paddle
bad situation
True or false: John Proctor was hanged.
Mr. Ireland's 11th-favorite student. (CI)
Charleigh Iannaco
Jesus Christ
Why did Tom Joad put a turtle in his pocket?
gift for his little brother
Tip of the iceberg
Character in The Crucible who had an affair with John Proctor.
Abigail Williams
Zendaya's fiancé
Tom Holland
Name of prison Tom Joad was serving time in.
How often does Tom say he dines on swine?
once a year/Christmas
Snug as a bug in a rug
very comfortable/cozy
In Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, why were the author's parents so tight with money?
They grew up in The Depression.
Chance the Rapper's soon-to-be ex-wife.
Kirsten Corley