This game is set in contemporary Earth, where the sudden appearance of a worldwide storm causes 98% of the world's population to disappear, and zombie-like creatures rise to attack the remainder.
Its ocean planet is a gorgeous, terrifying environment to explore; the twisted, creature-infested caves tempting you with fresh resources to take back to base.
The term given to whole numbers, both positive (natural numbers) and negative, including zero.
In the game, the player takes the role of a Hunter, tasked to hunt down and either kill or trap monsters that roam in one of several environmental spaces. If successful, the player is rewarded through loot consisting of parts from the monster and other elements that are used to craft weapons and armor, among other equipment.
A three-dimensional shape with a square or triangular base and triangular sides that come together in a point.
The first free public ________ in the United States was established at Peterborough in 1833
Jaffrey, Swanzey, Peterboro,Ridge
One of the top games of 2018, this downhill mountain biking game has gorgeous courses. Each descent is different, throwing up ramps and turns that rely on twitch reaction and mastery of mechanics rather than learning each level.
Starting with the letter "s" this is area of mathematics involving collecting and analyzing data to draw conclusions and make predictions.
A farrier is an important job. What does a farrier do?