The protagonist of Sleepy Hallow is?
Ichabod Crane
The Pilgrims came from which original country?
The Wampanoags lived in what 'present day' area of the US?
New England
4 regions of N.C.
mountains, Piedmont, Coastal Plain, Tidewater
5 themes of geography are?
movement, region, human environment interaction, location, place
The 2 antagonists of Sleepy Hallow Are?
Brom Bones & The Headless Horseman
The name of the boat used on the first journey to Plymouth?
Wampanoag word "pow wow" means what in English?
a meeting or gathering
What region is furthest west?
mountain region
2 types of location are?
which of the 2 is more accurate?
give an example how to measure location accurately
absolute & relative
absolute is more accurate
latitude & longitude
The 2 main types of conflict in Sleepy Hallow Are?
man v man & man v supernatural
What was the MAJOR reason why the Wampanoags were killed by the Pilgrims?
What kind of "source" allows us to say without a doubt that the Thanksgiving meal took place?
primary source
Which region was affected most by Hurricane Florence & why?
Tidewater Region because it touches the Atlantic Ocean
What is the Climax of the story "Blankets?"
Why is this the climax?
The song won't actually cure his disease, but the song makes the dad feel better about the situation. Problems start to become solutions
give an example of the falling action in Sleepy Hallow
(answers may vary)
The 1st Thanksgiving was intended to celebrate what?
The autumn harvest
What was the Wampanoag religion?
Durham is in which region?
explain how a "Mr. Lewis Notebook Check" works. Be detailed, tell it in the right order. Why do we do it? (2 reasons)
you turn to the page in your notebook Mr. Lewis asks for. This allows the teacher to quickly see if you have that days assignment complete. We do this because it helps students hold on to their work and it is easy and efficient.
In the original version of Sleepy Hallow, there is another important type of conflict (man v ?) What was it? And Why was it?
man v society because Ichabod was English and he moved to S.H. which was inhabited by the 'old dutch' farmers and they saw Ichabod as a weird outsider
What year did the pilgrims arrive in Plymouth?
What does "Wampanoag" mean in the English language?
people of the dawn
Robeson County is in which region?
Coastal Plain
Name all 5 points on the "story mountain" or "plot chart" (story starts with the _____, ends with the ______"
give an example of each using examples from 3 DIFFERENT TEXTS WE READ IN ENGLISH CLASS
exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, exposition
(answers may vary in the 2nd part)