Coping Strategies
Social Skills
For Fun

How did you feel about virtual learning?

Any feeling is ok!


Practice the 5-finger breath.

Inhale as you trace up each finger, exhale as you trace down each finger.


Name a good friend and explain what makes him/her/them a good friend.

There are lots of qualities that make a good friend - helpful, kind, includes others, listens, funny, etc.


You pass a teacher in the hallway, and the teacher says, "Good morning!"  What should you say in return?

Good morning, Hello, How are you?


Setting goals is important!  What do you want to be when you grow up?

Mrs. G will be the judge :)


How might you feel when your teachers ask you to do an assignment that you don't like doing?

Mad, Annoyed, Frustrated, Bored


Name a coping strategy that you could use when feeling frustrated with schoolwork.

Ask for help, take deep breaths, take a quick break


Tell about a time that you had an argument with a friend.  How did you handle it?

Mrs. G will be the judge :)


You accidentally hit a classmate with a basketball during P.E.  What should you do?

Apologize, Ask if they are ok


What is your favorite and least favorite subject in school?

Mrs. G will be the judge :)


How might you feel if you tried something new (e.g., a new food, a new sport)?

Proud, Nervous, Excited, Happy


Which of the following is not a healthy coping strategy: A) Reading

B) Taking a walk

C) Talking with an adult

D) Breaking a pencil

D) Breaking a pencil


Your friend wants to play a video game on the phone, but you want to play on it too.  How can you solve this problem?

Compromise - Share turns


At lunch, your friend says, "Hey, I got a new puppy this weekend!"  What question could you ask your friend to show you were listening?

What kind of puppy?

Where did you get your puppy?

What did you name your puppy?

What color is your puppy?


When you are feeling sad, mad, or worried, who is an adult that you feel comfortable talking to at home, and who is an adult you feel comfortable talking to at school?

Mrs. G will be the judge :)


How might you feel if your best friend is playing with someone else at recess?

Sad, Jealous, Mad, Lonely


Name a coping strategy that you use at school and a coping strategy that you use at home.

School: Asking for help, talking to an adult, taking a break, deep breathing, squeezing a stress ball, reading, drawing

Home: All of the above, plus playing a game, watching TV/movie, cuddling with a pet, doing a puzzle, hug from a parent


There is a new student in your classroom.  Name two things you could do to make him/her/them feel welcome.

Say hello and tell them your name, invite them to play at recess, offer to show them around, help them with work, introduce them to your friends


Give an example of good manners and an example of bad manners.

Good: Saying please/thank you, holding the door for someone, chewing with your mouth closed, raising your hand, waiting your turn, saying excuse me

Bad: Grabbing, cutting, burping, interrupting, chewing with your mouth open


Tell about something you like to do for fun.

Mrs. G will be the judge :)


How are you feeling today?  Why?

Any feeling is ok!


Name a healthy way of coping with sadness and an unhealthy way of coping with sadness.

Healthy: Crying, talking to someone, reading, drawing, journaling, taking a walk, positive imagery

Unhealthy: Yelling at someone, not talking to anyone, refusing to do work


How would you feel if your friend ignored you on the bus?  Use an I-Message to let him/her/them know how you feel
I feel ____________

When you_________

Please ___________

I feel sad/lonely/worried

When you ignore me on the bus

Could you please talk to me?


How does it feel when your teacher tells you to go back and fix something in your work?  Why does your teacher have you fix your work?

Sad, frustrated, annoyed, angry

Your teacher wants to help you learn!


It's your turn to ask a question!  Ask a group member a question!

Mrs. G will be the judge :)
