This is the local Muslim place of worship.
What is a mosque?
This massive construction project was completed during the Sui dynasty.
What is the Grand Canal?
This land bridge is believed to be the migration route to America.
What is Beringia?
These were the two stages of preparation for a young man training to become a knight.
What are page and squire?
This sacrament symbolizes the washing away of sin and entrance into the Christian faith.
What is Baptism?
This is the holy book of Islam.
What is the Qur’an?
TWO ANSWERS: These Japanese warriors followed an unwritten military code that governed their conduct.
Who are the samurai, and what is Bushido?
This Mesoamerican civilization developed a precise calendar.
Who are the Mayas?
This palace official became the real power behind the Frankish throne.
Who is the mayor of the palace?
This sacrament is a rite of initiation where a Christian affirms their faith, often through the laying on of hands.
What is Confirmation?
These two churches emerged from the Great Schism, dividing Christianity between East and West.
What are the Roman Catholic Church (West) and the Eastern Orthodox Church (East)?
This was the key ingredient in Song Dynasty military weapons.
What is gunpowder?
This god was worshiped by the Aztecs, who believed he would one day return. His name means "feathered serpent."
Who is Quetzalcoatl?
Under this ruler, the Frankish Empire reached its peak.
Who is Charlemagne?
This sacrament involves confessing sins to a priest and receiving absolution.
What is Confession (or Reconciliation)?
This Byzantine emperor sought to restore the greatness of the Roman Empire by expanding its boundaries.
Who is Justinian?
According to legend, this man was the first emperor of Japan and was believed to be the direct descendant of the sun goddess.
Who is Jimmu Tenno?
The Incas used this system of runners to carry messages up to 150 miles per day.
What is the chasqui system?
Members of this group were considered part of the Roman Catholic Church, while regular churchgoers were called this.
Who are the clergy and the laity?
This sacrament, also known as Holy Communion, commemorates the Last Supper.
What is the Eucharist?
This Russian ruler adopted the Eastern Orthodox Church as the official religion of Russia.
Who is Vladimir I?
These two kingdoms developed on the eastern Indochina Peninsula.
What are Dai Viet and Champa?
This was the system the Incas used to record data.
What is quipu (or khipu), a knotted string of different colors?
This monk born in Scotland was known for his missionary work to the people that enslaved him as a child.
Who is Patrick
This sacrament unites a man and woman in a lifelong covenant before God.
What is Matrimony?