He gets out of the life for his wife. She dies. He gets a puppy. He grieves. A mobster steals his car and kills his dog. 3 sequels and at least one spin off later...
John Wick
This absolutely bonkers retelling of the Shakespearean love story between two teenagers.
Romeo + Juliet
"Belle, it's about time you got your head out of those books and paid attention to more important things. Like me."
Beauty and the Beast
Clark Kent and...
Lois Lane
A trio of teenage girls plan to break the heart of the school basketball star after they learn he has been secretly dating all three and pledging each is "the one." They recruit a shy, unpopular girl in their scheme to publicly humiliate him.
John Tucker Must Die
A girl helps a zombie return to life.
Warm Bodies
"Hey, it's only an eternity of servitude. This is love! Al, you're not gonna find another girl like her in a million years. Believe me, I know. I've looked."
Edward Scissorhands
In Toy Story 3, Buzz has become an item with this cowgirl.
The new girl joins the clique of popular girls and goes from outcast to queen to outcast (again) to normal student, and watches her arch rival get hit by a bus.
Mean Girls
A grumpy loner goes to college and is pushed out of her comfort zone. She joins an acapella group, dates a singer, and wins the big show.
Pitch Perfect
"I've been looking out of a window for eighteen years, dreaming about what I might feel like when those lights rise in the sky. What if it's not everything I dreamed it would be?"
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The Birds
Simba's Queen
Wesley returns from an extended absence to save his beloved Buttercup from the awful Prince Humperdinck.
The Princess Bride
Cher overcomes her obliviousness and innocence and realizes she's in love with Paul Rudd (the guy who plays Ant-Man).
13 Going on 30
In Corpse Bride, Victoria's other half.
After luring the weird, lonely girl out of her shell, the local bullies humiliate her at their senior prom. They learn too late she wasn't just a weird girl. She was something else.
Set at a fictional Seattle high school and filmed in the area, this 1999 movie tells the story of Cameron, who wants to date Bianca, who wants to date Joey, but can't because her father won't let her date unless her older sister, Katrina, dates first. Katrina doesn't want to date anyone. Fortunately, Cameron has a plan.
10 Things I Hate About You
"Look again, Pige. Look, there's a great big hunk of world down there, with no fence around it. Where two dogs can find adventure and excitement. And beyond those distant hills, who knows what wonderful experiences? And it's all ours for the taking, Pige. It's all ours."
Lady and the Tramp
Four Weddings and a Funeral
In the Little Mermaid, he's Ariel's Prince.