How many points is a field goal worth in football?
3 points
What time does McMillen close on Fridays?
6:00 pm
Who is this man?
Abe Lincoln
What do the stripes on the American flag represent?
The 13 original colonies
What state is Chicago in
Name a sport that does not include a ball
Track, swimming, cross country, gymnastics, boxing, and race car driving.
What street is our building on?
Abbott street.
Fort Wayne has a minor league baseball team called the Tincaps, what did the team go by before the name "Tincaps"
The Fort Wayne Wizards
What state is north of Indiana
What color do you get if you mix red and yellow?
Kobe Bryant played his entire career for what team?
The LA Lakers
True or False:
McMillen used to be a batting cage before it became a community center.
The building was an Ice Rink
When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
Indianapolis is the capital of what state?
Where is the Great Pyramid of Giza?
What type of medal is given to 2nd place runners in the Olympics?
Silver Medal
Who is the Supervisor of our building?
Miss Cin
Who was the first woman to make a million dollars in the United States?
Madam C.J. Walker
What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest
What is South Side's mascot?
An Archer
What NFL team won the first ever super bowl?
The Packers
What High School did Mr Hardy go to?
South Side High School
Where did the Olympic Games originate?
What are the names of the seven continents of the world?
Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia
What state does spiderman live in?
New York
What state was LeBron James born in?
Who is the tallest staff member at McMillen?
Mr Patterson
Who is on the front of the 1$ Bill?
George Washington
You can not say Fort Wayne... Name two cities in the state of Indiana
Any cities not named Fort Wayne
John, Zionsville, Dyer, Carmel, Fishers, Brownsburg, Westfield, Huntington, Greenfield, Gary, Indy, New Haven and West Lafayette.
Goku is the main character in what anime?
Dragon Ball