Gabby's Birthday
When is April 10th?
Trivia Night starts at this time and day
When is 8:00 p.m. every Friday?
Groovy's feature
What is to play music?
The latest person to join the server
Who is James?
The current President
Who is Josh?
Jared's Birthday
When is August 28?
Four rules of the server
What is no spamming, be respectful, no hate speech/discrimination, no pinging without a good reason, or if you have an alt account tell someone with power?
What is not being able to hear anyone in the voice channel or speak?
Joseph admitted to being Christmas Rectangle and Phoenix in this month
When is April?
One of the more active members of the server; plays Minecraft mostly and uploads Minecraft content on their YoutTbe Channel
Who is Ellis?
Joshua's Birthday
When is August 13th?
Number of members (excluding bots and alts)
What is 15?
Ticket Tool
What is reporting or telling server suggestions?
The first president
Who is Jared?
Tries to help people with homework whenever they can; used to be active in the old days
Who is Gabby?
Emily's Birthday
When is November 18th?
Number of text channels in the Media category
What is 5?
What is logging deleted messages, logging edited messages, anti-spam, or deleting prohibited words?
The first person to join the server
Who is Joseph?
Used to have their own channel that only they could talk in; is not very active
Who is Owen?
James's Birthday
When is August 1st?
The emoji used in Ellis's Totally Real News Channel
What is rotating light?
3 features of Mee6 in our server
What is keeping birthdays, announcing birthdays, welcoming new people, giving new people the cool boi role, or timers?
The first 4 people to join the server
Who is Joseph, Kyle, Elly, Emily?
The least known member of the server; goes to EHS
Who is Unholy/Joseph's friend?