What do the red lines mean?
You can not pass them without asking!
If you need to use the restroom, what should you do?
Mr. Pile will grade your response.
What creature on earth has the largest eyes?
Giant Squid
What should you do if your computer is not working properly?
Tell the teacher
When can you have cell phones out?
At recess and before or after school hours or during passing period. k-4 can not have cell phones out at all.
Explain the token system in two sentences.
Mr. Pile will grade your responses.
What is our room number?
What sport did Mr. Pile play in high school and college?
Who is responsible for buying a new laptop if it breaks?
The student and their parents.
Before you can go into the hallway you need what?
A hall pass!
Give 3 expectations while out at lunch/ recess.
Mr. Pile will judge your responses.
If you lose all your tokens before Fun Friday, what happens.
No Fun Friday For You! You must complete the packet of work Mr. Pile gives you.
What sport did Ms. Alexia play in high school?
What will Mr.Pile do if he catches you on an inappropriate website?
Take away your computer.
What new program/after school activity is coming to Copper Basin next year?
What can you not bring to the carpet area?
Putty, food, and drinks
If you are angry, upset, or frustrated what can you do?
MR.Pile will judge
Where is Coach originally from?
Chicago !
Give me 3 expectations for using laptops
Mr.Pile will judge responses
Are you allowed to have food in class?
At the end of the day, what are two things Mr.Pile makes you do before you can leave?
Mr.Pile will judge answers
How many chair legs are in this classroom? Does not include teachers chairs.
What football team does Mr.Pile like?
How many keys (buttons) are on your computers?
What does ISS stand for?
In School Suspension