The definition of character
The people in a story that the plot happens to
The definition of setting
Where a story takes place
The definition of plot
The word for categories of books, movies, tv shows, and music
A type of candy did we have for our holiday movie day
Hershey's Kisses, lollipops, and jolly ranchers
The word for how we describe what a character looks like
The first part of a setting: WHERE a story takes place
Location or Place
The three parts of a plot
Beginning, middle, and end
A story that is made up, pretend, or imaginary
A game where we have to act out a word on Mr. Pope's phone
The word for how we describe what a character acts like
The second part of a setting: WHEN a story takes place
The name for a big problem that characters need to solve
A story that is based on something true that actually happened
The name of the crab in Moana
The name of a character in our book that we are reading together
Eli Rump, Roswell Johnson
The third part of a setting: HOW it makes us feel
The name for the solution to plot's big problem
A genre that tells stories about fairies, magic, elves, and dragons
A type of dance that tells a story without words; we watched one with a growing tree.
A ballet
A common type of character in Science Fiction stories
Aliens, robots, astronauts, time travelers
A common setting for Science Fiction stories
A common plot in science fiction stories
Save the world
A genre that tells stories about spaceships, aliens, robots, or time travel
Science Fiction
The name of one of Mr. Pope's pets
Adeline, Moonpie, Juniper Gretchen, Elaine