50% of 24
What is the acronym used to help us determine the order of operations for an expression?
What is PEMDAS
Convert 0.5 into a simplified fraction
What is 1/2
What is 2
What is Mr. P's first name? (Spelling matters)
What is Jonathan
25% of 240
What is 60
When looking at the acronym for the order of operations, what two sets of operations can be switched around depending on where they are in the problem?
What is addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
Convert 1.25 into a simplified improper fraction
What is 5/4
What is 36
How many year(s) has Mr.P been at Breakthrough?
What is 2 years
120% of 360
What is 432
Solve: 4 x 7 + 4 / 2
What is 30
Convert 25.43 into a mixed number
What is 25 43/100
What is 1
How many pets does Mr.P have?
What is 3
5% of 75
What is 3.75
Solve: 8 / 4 x 7 - 24 + 86
What is 76
Solve: 1.5 x 19
What is 9.5
What is 125
How tall is Mr.P?
What is 6'6"
38% of 5
What is 1.9
Solve: (2.5 x 6)^2 / 5 + 92
What is 137
Solve: 1.25 x 28
What is 35
What is 7776
What was the name of my pet fish back in the third grade?
What is Kyle