Ability to exercise the whole body without tiring
What is cardiovascular fitness?
What is the force that is used to exert against a resistance called?
Muscular Strength
What is the definition of muscular endurance?
The ability to use voluntary muscles many times without getting tired
What is flexibility?
The range of movement possible at a joint
What is body composition?
The relative ratio of fat to fat-free mass in the body
The heart, blood and blood vessels
What are the components of the cardiovascular system?
How can you increase your muscular strength?
By adding more weight or resistance.
What tests are we using to measure muscular endurance?
One minute Press-up and Sit-up tests
What test measures your flexibility?
The 'Sit & Reach'.
What condition could develop if your body fat percentage becomes too high?
(Morbid) Obesity
What tests measure cardiovascular fitness?
The PACER test
What are some causes of a loss of muscular strength?
Lack of Exercise
Smoking, Drinking Alcohol and Using Drugs
Poor Nutrition
Lack of Sleep
What is the difference between your heart and the muscles in your arm?
The heart is an involuntary muscle.
All other muscles are voluntary muscles.
What fitness classes help improve flexibility?
Pilates and Yoga
What can help maintain a healthy body composition?
Regular Physical Exercise
H.I.I.T. and Continuous/Constant Rate Exercises
What training methods are used to develop CV fitness?
What weight/rep ratio is needed to develop strength?
High Weight : Low Repetitions
Medium Weight with Many Sets/Reps
Why is muscular endurance so important?
It allows you to perform work or tasks for longer periods of time.
Why is flexibility important to all athletes?
Prevents muscle injuries.
What types of sports would be best for a mesomorph's body composition?
Boxing, sprinting, body-building and any sport that requires explosive movement.
A marathon runner must have excellent ___________?
Cardiovascular Fitness
Muscular Strength allows a person to exert _________
with ________.
Force & Power
What supplies your muscles with oxygen?
Your heart, lungs and blood vessels (arteries, capillaries and veins).
Why does a high jumper need good flexibility?
To arch their back as the jump over the bar
What is an ectomorph?