When reading the Staff the spaces all spell this word.
What is FACE?
These symbols represent sounds that are held for certain lengths of time.
What are notes?
In Solfege, we call home (our starting point) this name.
What is Do?
T is for Text! In SMIRFTX, T will always include the title/performer of the music and this additional feature.
What is Laguage?
Your Music Teacher's favorite Color.
What is Blue?
The phrase "Elvis's Guitar Broken Down Friday" reminds us of this feature on the staff.
What are the staff line names?
A set of 5 Lines and 4 spaces give us a place to consistently read and write music.
What is the Staff?
Solfege uses this amount of signs to represent a (Major) scale. (Mr. Ripp is looking for a number, No repeats =) )
What is 7?
R is for Rhythm! In SMIRFTX, R represents this music feature.
What is speed/tempo?
What is fast/slow?
Mr. Ripp focused his studies in this genre/style of music in school.
What is Classical/Opera?
This note also gives it's clef it's second name.
What is "G" ?
This symbol is found at the beginning of All musical lines.
What is a Treble Clef?
What is Sol?
S is for Style! This style/genre uses pieces of other music (or sounds) to create something new.
What is a Remix?
Mr. Ripp does all of his gaming from this machine.
What is a PC/Computer?
This remarkably common note is set BELOW the staff lines.
What is "Middle C"?
What is C?
This Clef is used to represent notes played by lower singers/instruments.
What is a Bass Clef?
BONUS: What is the other name for this Clef?
A thumbs down represents this Solfege sign.
What is Fa?
I is for Instruments! The Saxophone is a part of this instrument family.
What are Woodwinds?
This Movie (Mr. Ripp's Favorite) contains a Spanish swordsman who is seeking his father's killer, a man with 6 fingers on his right hand...
What is The Princess Bride?
Check your Clef before Answering.
What is F?
This common sign represents the separation of "music ideas."
What is a Barline?
The name "Solfege" originally came from this combination of two (2) of its symbols.
What are Sol & Fa?
Mr. Ripp uses SMIRFTX for two reasons.
(Up to 2 teams may receive points)
What is exposure to new music?
What is Critical Listening?
Outside of school, Mr. Ripp sings this many Hours a week (Averaged).
What is 10?