Name all even numbers 1-10
2, 4, 6, 8, 10
What rhymes with track?
Any answer
Name all odd numbers 1-10
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Spongebob Squarepants
Who are all the forgetful twins?
Vale, Kendell
155, ___ , ____ , 455, 555, 655.
255, 355
Name a sight word from this week?
eat, colors, below, many, very, through, morning, sleep, down, don't
How do I figure out how much change I should get back?
I subtract how much I paid, with how much it costs
Who is the author of green eggs and ham?
Dr. suess
Who are the aunties?
Jayde, Eniya, Dania, Penelope, Aubrielle, Emari, Trinity.
If the hour hand is on the 10, and the minute hand is on the 11 what time is it?
What does the trigraph, tch say?
Ch sound
I bought one apple for 35 cents and a banana for 45 cents. How much do I need to pay?
80 cents
Using Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes. What can you use to make 35 cents?
D, D, N, N.
D, D, D, P, P, P, P, P.
D, D, D, N.
What is full of holes but can still hold water?
If my subject is plural my verb should be what?
I have no wings but I can fly, I have no eyes but I can cry, what am I?
What can you catch but not throw?
A cold
She is going to the store. How do I make this past tense?
She was going to the store.
Who is the GOAT of basketball?
Kobe Bryant
Give me a drink and I will die. Feed me and I will get bigger. What am I?
A fire.