The pyramid of Giza is in which country?
What is Egypt.
What is the yellow part of an egg called?
What is a yolk
How many sides does a pentagon have?
What is 5
Is an encyclopedia fiction or non-fiction?
What is non- fiction
Mr. T's son is named?
What is Milos.
Where is Big Ben located?
What is London, England
How many days are in a leap year?
What is 366
How many years in 2 centuries?
What is 200
How many minutes is 1 period in hockey?
What is 20
What colour is Ms. Tassone's car?
What is white
Where is the Taj Mahal located?
What is India
Which astrological sign is a lion?
What is Leo
What does Roman numeral "V" mean?
What is 5
How many sides does a dodecahedron have?
What is 12
Three principals watched over you this year. List them from 1st to 3rd
Who are
1.) Ms. Gravina
2.) Ms. Lomuto
3.) Mr. Marchesini
Seville, Granada and Valencia are cities in which country?
What is Spain
How many items are in a baker's dozen?
What is 13
If there are 64 cookies to split among 16 kids, how many cookies will each kid get?
What is 4 cookies
The ancient Mayans mostly came from this country?
What is Mexico
Ms. Rea has two sons. What are their names?
Who is Joseph and Julian.
Name the 5 Great Lakes.
What is Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario
What country gifted the statue of Liberty to U.S.A
What is France
What is the only even prime number?
What is 2.
The Yen is the currency of which country.
What is Japan
Mr. T has been teaching for how many years?
What is 15