A person whom one does not know or with whom is not familiar is called?
A Stranger
Someone who does not get involved in stopping someone from being bullied or cyberbullied is called?
The settings on social networks that allow users to control who see what they post, and they can either be adjusted post by post, or set to a default setting. What is this called?
Privacy Settings
What are the ways that you can save the evidence if someone is cyberbullying you or someone you know.
Screen shot and/or screen record.
The "Online" version of you that people will percieve you as. Your likes, preferefences, wallpapers, etc. that say a lot about you and that you will be judged based on what you post.
Online Persona
A site or online community where people with like experiences or interests communicate with each other and share information, resources, etc. is called?
A Social Network
Aggressive pressure or intimidation towards someone. Unwanted and persistent actions towards someone. What is this called?
Software that uses GPS to track where you are when you take pictures or access information of your cell phone.
Geolocation and/or geotagging
Provide at least 3 different titles of people that you should report cybderbullying to.
Parent, Teacher/School Administration, Police
Using the SAME email for all of your social media accounts such as facebook, instagram, twitter, TikTok, etc. and allowing all of them access to your private information is called what?
Linking Accounts
The state of being free from unwanted or undue intrusion or disturbance in one's private life or affair; freedom to be let alone is called?
Someone who takes the appropriate positive actions to assist someone of whom is being bullied or cyberbullied. What is this called?
Instead of using your real name, you are allowed to create a name that reflects your interests.
Screen Name
There are two different specific types of "cyber bullying" OTHER than social networking that we focused on during lesson two. What are their titles?
Inappropriate Texting & Online Gaming
The main image that you post that people see when they visit your social page.
Profile Picture
When you update your status, check-in to a location or post a photo, these things can be saved and tracked, both by the companies that provided the services and, probably, by your browser in files called "cookies". What is this called?
Digital Footprint
The actions of harassing, threatening, and intimidating someone while using digital means is called?
Cyber Bullying
A situation involving exposure to danger. What is this word?
In your own words, define Upstander & Bystander.
Upstander: Person who is trying to positively help someone of whom is being bullied to receive help to stop the bullying.
Bystander: Person who is standing around observing the bullying and isn't doing anything to stop the bullying appropriately.
Defamatory posts and tweets—saying insulting things about people—can be brought to court. What is this called?
Legal Issues
A detailed report, usually about a person that has everything you do online, everything you post, everything you share and is saved somewhere on a server and can be theoretically accessed even years later. What is this called?
Digital Dossier
Harassing someone in a unbecoming and alarming way by using chat messaging with words, pictures or videos is called?
Inappropriate Texting
Someone who intentionally targets people for harm using online chat rooms or social media.
Online Predator
When someone is harassing someone online whether using social networking, inappropriate messaging, or online gaming chats, what is the action that the person should take to discontinue contact with the bully?
Block the Bully
What is the name of what online companies use to track your behavior online (Behavior Tracking). It is a tracking software for websites.