Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
The Crisis Cycle
A Little Bit of Everything
Lindsey backs away from Jerome with hands up protecting herself. Which need is this reflecting?

What is safety and security?


Karen is pacing back and forth in the Visitor's Lobby and is looking at Visitor's Lobby staff with agitation. Where is she on the crisis cycle? What staff action is appropriate? 

What is Lower Escalation and listen to her, identify the stimulus, and remove the stimulus? 


Your response to a situation.

What is act?


Staff affirm this before they choose a behavior. 

What is their feelings?


What is the ideal outcome for conflict?

What is a win-win?


Jeff and Jay discuss a problem they have with each other and resolve it in a way that works for both of them. What need is this reflecting?

What is healthy relationships?


If Shantele is looking angry and holding a chair over her head in the crowded Joy House Lobby, where is she on the crisis cycle? What staff actions are appropriate? 

What is the Crisis and staff should direct Shantele's attention away from others in the room as other staff remove guests from the Joy House Lobby to protect them from injury? 


Using your senses to be aware of what is happening around you.

What is recognize?


What are two (2) communication techniques that you can use when someone is escalated?

What are minimize our size, use short sentences, lower your volume, lower your pitch, and speak slower?


When using touch as communication, what two (2) principles should you keep in mind?

What are touch only when necessary, use slow, smooth movements, and use only fingers, not the whole hand?


Tom was recognized as the employee of the month for his hard work. What need is this reflecting?

What is achievement?


You noticed that Clyde's face just went from peaceful to annoyed as Steve walked by. What is Clyde's place in the crisis cycle? What staff action is appropriate? 

What is Stimulus/Trigger and listen to Clyde to find out what happened after removing Steve from the area?


Analyzing what is happening to the people and environment around you. 

What is assess?


The formula for an "I" statement. 

When...I feel...because...


You have built a relationship with Greg, a Safe Harbor guest. You say hi to Greg on your way out to your car. Normally, you have a good conversation. Today, you greeted Greg like normal. Instead of responding normally, Greg overreacts and begins yelling. What probably occurred?

What is a setting event?


Denise asks for a bag lunch after completing the Joy House intake process. Denise hasn't had a meal in two (2) days. What need is this reflecting?

What is basic human needs? 


Gloria and Stephanie had a verbal altercation earlier and both are exhausted. What is their place in the crisis cycle? What staff action is appropriate? 

What is Post-Crisis Drain and allow them time alone to recover (listen)? 


Looking back at the outcome to evaluate what worked or may need to be adjusted.

What is review results?


Define culture and norms.

What is a culture is the values, beliefs, and customs shared within a group and norms are behavioral expectations within a cultural group?


What does S.O.D.A.S. stand for and what is the proper order when S.O.D.A.S. is applied?

What S (Situation), O (Options), A (Advantages), D (Disadvantages), and S (Solution)?


Sometimes behavior we label as manipulative is just pointing to this

What is "an unmet need."


If Craig is playing basketball in the gym, what is his place in the crisis cycle? What staff action is appropriate? 

What is Baseline and play basketball with him (engage) in the activity to build a relationship. 


Determining how to respond to what is happening.

What is decide?


What are three (3) ideas to be mindful of when speaking with others who may have communication impairments?

What are speak slowly, use shorter phrases, and be aware that receptive communication (hearing) skills may be stronger than receptive communication (speaking) skills for the individual? 


Stress impacts communication by decreasing these three (3) areas. 

What are reasoning, understanding, and self-control?
