How old am I?
27 years old
What is the mascot name of Cobb Middle School
What is Mr.Phanrana favorite Football team?
Chicago Bears
What do you guys do every Friday in class? What is it called?
Feel Good Friday
This hobby is singing songs in front of an audience with the lyrics of the song on a screen.
When is my birthday?
April 14, 1996
What does DFW stand for?
Dallas-Fort Worth
What is my favorite anime?
What is the turning point of the story called?
This class focuses on Reading and ____?
What school do I attend?
University of North Texas
Taylor Swift released an album on 10/27, what is the name of that Album?
1989 (Taylor's Version)
What is my favorite video game?
Street Fighter 6
What type of genre is it when it tells about facts and real events?
Playstation, Xbox, and Switch are all what?
Video Games
How many siblings do I have?
2 siblings, 1 brother and 1 sister.
What does ILA stand for?
Integrated Language Arts
What is my favorite movie of all time? Hint: Time travel 80's movie.
Is this a metaphor or simile? "It is raining cats and dogs outside."
What is my favorite Trading Card Game?
Where am I from?
Champaign, Illinois
Who is Mr.Phanrana favorite class?
Who are my three favorite musical artists?
Taylor Swift, Kendrick Lamar, and Paramore.
What are the FANBOYS?
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so
Name the two movies where the villain is a big purple alien and it took a group with superpowers to defeat him.
Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: End Game