How much is the required Art fee?
Name three consequences of NEGATIVE classroom behavior.
Warning (verbal or tap)
Take a break & fill out behavior contract
Lunch time learning referral
Call and email home
Behavior tracker
Office visit and/or detention
In-school suspension
Name one way you can earn tickets.
1 ticket - Be here! If every student is in class,
everyone gets a ticket.
1 ticket - No missing art assignments (Friday)
1 ticket - Turn in assignment on time
3 tickets - Take out recycling
5 tickets - Teach a friend
5 tickets - Full points on a project
When should you sharpen your pencil?
During the starter or during work time (never while the teacher is giving instructions)
The Art fee covers consumable materials such as... (name at least three)
Paper, paint, canvas, clay
What should be done if a student is unable to make it to the art show?
Contact Mrs Bassett ahead of time. An alternate assignment will be given to the student.
Name three consequences of POSITIVE classroom behavior.
Verbal praise!
Awesome grades!
Happy parents & teacher!
Earn tickets to spend on rewards!
The privilege of doing fun art projects!
A positive & safe space for all!
If you forget to bring a pencil or eraser to class, what can you do?
Pay 3 tickets to borrow one.
If you don't know the answer to a starter quiz question, what should you do?
Give it your best guess.
Students will need to bring these four art supplies to class EVERY day.
Sketchbook, pencil, colored pencils, and an eraser.
What is this trimester's Art Show date?
Thursday, May 14th
If you don't hear instructions the first time, what's the best thing to do?
Ask 3 (students nearby) and then me (the teacher).
30 tickets can buy...
A quick drawing of your choice by Mrs Bassett.
If you use your work time unwisely, when can you make up late/missing work?
During HERO hour (if you don't have missing assignments in other classes) or after school.
Students should speak privately to this person if they are unable to provide the necessary art supplies.
Mrs. Bassett!
Who needs to email Mrs Bassett to excuse a student from the Art Show?
The student's parent/guardian!
A happy classroom starts with these two things...
Positivity & Respect (for classmates, teacher, and classroom)
How many tickets can you pay to sit by a friend on a work day?
5 tickets
Which day is Art intervention day?
Who will pay to replace broken or ruined art supplies/tools in the classroom?
The student responsible.
No! The Art Show is open house style, which means you will visit the art show, complete your assignment, and leave.
If you notice another student going above and beyond in positivity and respect, what can you do?
Nominate them to receive tickets!
If you run out of exit slips, what can you do if you need to go to the bathroom or your locker?
Pay 5 tickets
What needs to be done before class will be excused?
Work turned in
Tables & counter tops clear
Floor clean
All art supplies returned
Chromebooks plugged in
(6th hour) Chairs put up
If all is clean and door stays shut, I will dismiss class 2 minutes early.