Once you enter the classroom you are expected to _________________.
Find your journal in the correct drawer, sharpen pencil, take your seat, and begin work on bell ringers on board
•Coming into Classroom
If the door is locked, what will you do?
Line outside by the classroom door, making sure not to block the hallway.
•Turning in Work
Inside the classroom, there’s a turning bin station wherein the students can put in their works.
What do you need to find or look for before turning in your work?
Your first and last name
Class Period (Number)
Assignment name
• Journal
How many minutes do you have for your journal time?
5 minutes
What is the student's expected to do once they enter Mrs. Blackburn's classroom?
Once you get your paper/worksheet, you are expected to ______________________.
Answer it on your own.
•Coming into Classroom
Put all ___________ out of sight. We do not want to see it or hear it.
•Sharpening Pencils
What do you need to do when you want to sharpen your pencil in the middle of the class discussion?
If the students need to sharpen a pencil they should raise their pencil up to notify the teacher that their pencil needs to be sharpened.
• Journal
How many points will you get if you didn't do your journal for the whole week?
What are Mrs. Blackburn's favorite animal?
Chromebooks are to be treated with respect. You should not _______, __________, or ___________ in an manner.
write on, deface the screen, or keyboard keys.
•Speaking in Class
What are you supposed to do when you want to speak or answer a question in class?
The students will raise their right hand if they want to speak or answer to a question.
•Obtaining Missed Work
What are you supposed to do when you want to get your missing work?
Be responsible in asking for your missing work to your teachers. There is a bin located by the door. Look for your class and find the day you were out and take the last hand out.
• Journal
How many sentences are you supposed to write if you want to get points in your journal?
5 complete sentences or more with correct punctuation if it is a paragraph or answer all the questions with 1-2 complete sentences.
Give a sport Mrs. Blackburn played in either high school or college?
Equestrian Team
The chromebook that you are assigned corresponds with your ______________
seat #
•Speaking in Class
What are you supposed to do when someone's answering a question?
All students should listen and track the speaker.
•Use of cell phones/technology
What is the procedure for the cellphone in Mrs. Blackburn's class?
Phones should not be visible to teacher. Another answer could be, If you want to charge it plug it into the wall (not computer) and turn it on silent mode.
• Journal
How many journal entries in a week you should have?
you will have a journal entries each day unless listed otherwise on the board.
Who is responsible for the grade that you receive in this class?
Once you are done with your work, you are expected to _______________________.
Answer varies
•Getting a Pencil from the Teacher
What are you supposed to do when you want to borrow a pencil in the middle of the class discussion?
If a student needs a pencil he/she should raise his/her pointing finger quietly.
What do you usually see once you enter the classroom of Mrs. Blackburn?
A bell ringer on the board, get out your journal, copy it down, and answer it to the best of your ability.
• Journal
How many points will you get if you completed your journal for the whole week?
15 points
What is Mrs. Blackburn's enrichment time?
Time spent in the enrichment corner either reading a book, writing in a personal journal, or silently playing jenga.