Name a book we will read this year.
You will be writing this first quarter:
short story
You will have a grammar lesson on this day
You must line up here before class:
outside the door
Bell work will be collected and graded ___________
Name a play we will read this year.
you will be practicing this type of writing assignment throughout the year:
You will have a grammar quiz on this day ______
Every class will begin with ________
writing your homework in your agenda
Bell work is part of this grade ___________
participation grade
Most of this year's reading will be done________
You will have grammar practice ___________ times a week.
1 to 2 times a week
After writing in your agenda, you will need to move on to the _____________
Your grade will be made up of these parts:
First quarter you will read this type of book: _____
independent book of your choice
When you type a formal assignment you must use correct:
format, spelling and grammar
We will review before a grammar quiz on this day ______
before class
If you need to check your grade you should ___________
Log onto RenWeb and check your grade
School appropriate
0nes that your parents would approve of
An appropriate length
An appropriate reading level (not too easy or difficult)
When you write a formal assignment you will always have the chance to:
revise and correct
If you fail a grammar quiz you may:
correct the quiz
If you are absent you need to: __________
get missed work from your class crate, fill out an absent form and turn in your absent work within a week.
How much credit can you get for a late assignment if it is less than a week late?