What should be at the front of my desk?
2 sharpened pencils, eraser, dry-erase marker
What is the hand signal for "I have to go to the bathroom"?
cross your two fingers or pat your head
What does the line leader have to do?
Be a good example of how to walk in the hallway.
One whistle blow means what?
Freeze and look at teachers
Respectful to classmates, teachers, materials, listening to those talking, not being rude
Quietly come in, put things away, make sure you have 2 sharpened pencils, get started on morning work
quietly walk to my spot in line (number order)
What do the librarians do?
Make sure the library is clean and neat
What do two whistle blows mean?
Quickly come get in line with Mrs. Cordes!
How can you be caring?
Caring towards the people around you - looking out for them, helping them, being kind and loving
What do you do if your pencil is not sharp anymore and you need a new one?
Put your pencil in the unsharpened bin and get a pencil from the sharpened bin
How can I make sure I keep my space clean?
Put trash in the trashcan, keep desk clean
When should the trash collector do their job?
Whenever they see trash on the ground!
What do three whistle blows mean?
Emergency - run to where the teacher tells you to go
How can you be responsible?
Keep track of your things, take care of your space, keep things neat and tidy, work hard and be diligent
When I don't know what to do, I can look to the
When is payday?
How should I get in line after recess?
Number order!
How can you be safe at school?
Walk, don't climb things that shouldn't be climbed, keep your hands to yourself
What do we want to make sure we do daily? With our actions, thoughts and words?
Glorify God!
TRUE OR FALSE: When I am very thirsty, I can go drink water while Mrs. Cordes is teaching.
Who's responsibility is it to keep track of which job you have?
One warning =
What is your job at school?
What is Mrs. Cordes' job at school?
My job is to be a student, to learn, to work hard, obey the teacher
Mrs. Cordes' job is to teach us and lead us