This is the zone where we feel calm, focused and ready to learn.
The Green Zone
A Palm Tree
The three Rs of Bullying are, recognize, ________ and _________.
report and refuse
When we play Rock, Paper, Scissors the McAuliffe way, we say ______ when we show rock, paper or scissors.
This is the last day of school this year.
June 21st!
If you feel frustrated or worried and you are in the yellow zone, you can do these things to calm down...
Belly breathing, take a break, count to 10, think happy thoughts, or other ideas you might have.
Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
any answer is correct
If you see someone being bullied and you stand up for them, you are called an ____________.
We use this when we are around other people and we might need to keep something in our head and not say out loud.
Social Filter
These are done once a month and students earn these by being their best.
Star drawing/star tickets
When you are in this zone, you need to calm quickly before you do or say something you might regret.
The Red Zone
What is a pirate's favorite part of school?
When someone says something mean, it is always bullying. True or False
Feeling or understanding what someone else is feeling is called __________.
We celebrate this in March but we need to show this everyday!
Kindness Day/kindness
If we feel sad, tired and/or are slow moving, we are in the _________ zone.
The Blue Zone
This kind of animal is always at a baseball game.
A bat
Bullying is when someone is mean to someone on purpose, continues doing it even though the other person wants them to stop and keeps doing it _____ and ____.
Over and over
When we use an I message to talk it out with someone, we say, "I feel, when you, ____ ____ ____?"
Could you please?
When we play Rock, Paper, Scissors the McAuliffe way, we have to agree before we play to either play one time or ________________.
How can we recognize or figure out which zone we are in?
We think about how our body feels and what feelings we have.
What is an alligator in a vest called?
An investigator
When you recognize bullying, it's important you ________ it.
You can show kindness to others in many ways. What are a few you can think of?
any kind answer
This is the best school ever and our mascot is the ____________.
Christa McAuliffe Elementary - Challengers