“But we had been marching only a few moments when we saw the barbed wire of another camp. An iron door with this inscription over it: ‘Work is liberty!’”
What is statement "Work is liberty" directly contradicts the experience of the prisoners, who are confined and have no choice but to work?
Plays Beethoven to the dead and dying.
Who is Juliek?
Elie chooses not to celebrate Yom Kippur because he is rebelling against _____.
What is God?
The message or moral of a story.
What is a theme?
Prisoners who supervised other prisoners.
What are Kados?
“Some prominent members of the community came….to ask him what he thought of the situation. My father did not consider it so grim…’The yellow star? Oh well, what of it? You don’t die of it….’”
What is Elie's father dismisses the yellow star as harmless, yet it ultimately leads to the death of millions of Jews?
Loses her mind as she envisions fire.
Who is Madame Schächter?
German workers throw ______ to the prisoners while they are on the train to Buchenwald.
What is bread?
Elie Struggles to Maintain Faith in God
What is the theme of Night?
The ill-feeling or hatred toward people of Jewish faith.
What is anti-Semitism?
“The SS gave us a fine New Year’s gift….And soon a terrible word was circulating—selection.”
What is The irony of this statement is that selection is the gift of death?
Elie's Father
Who is Shlomo Wiesel?
Elie calls his reflection in the mirror a_________.
What is a corpse?
The way an author uses language to tell a story.
What is an author's writing style?
The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group?
What is genocide?
“On we went between the electric wires. At each step, a white placard with a death’s head on it stared us in the face. A caption: ‘Warning. Danger of death.’”
What is The irony of this passage is that Jews were in danger of death every day in the camps, not from the electric wires but from hunger, selections, beatings, shootings, gas chambers?
Kapo who beats Elie and his father
Who is Idek?
Night is a _________ of the darkness and evil of the Holocaust.
What is a symbol?
When events or words are the opposite of what's expected.
What is irony?
A slum area occupied by a minority group.
What is a ghetto?
“I’ve got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He’s the only one who’s kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people.”
What is The Jewish people were lied to over and over again, but Hitler said he would annihilate all the Jews before the clock strikes twelve?
Who is Elie Wiesel?
The men eat snow_______ while waiting for a train to take them to Buchenwald.
What is snow?
Night by Eliezer Weizer
What is the book we read in class?
An ancient Jewish prayer
What is a Kaddish?