First 5 minutes of class
When are students not permitted to leave the room?
Yellow Cup
Where do you find a loaner pencil?
What do you say when asking for something?
Raise your hand
How do you ask for help or ask a question?
Positive Attitude
What is something I bring to class everyday?
2 weeks late
How long past a due date can I turn in late-work?
During "open work" time
When can I leave the classroom for personal reasons? (water, restroom)
"Thank you"
What do you say when you receive something?
Sharing is caring
How do you use limited materials?
Happ Pass
What do you need to fill out AND have signed by Mrs. Happ to leave the room?
Last 5 minutes of class
When is clean up?
On Task
How should I use my class time?
Swearing/ Naughty Words/ Hate Speech
What are things you shouldn't say?... tisk, tisk!
Take turns
What do you do if you need something that's being used?
Student Planner
What do you need to fill out AND have signed by Mrs. Happ to leave the room?
What should you turn in on time?
The first time
When do you follow directions?
Positive Attitude
What are you in control of?
Wait patiently
How do you wait your turn?
Your Project
What do you get out as soon as you come to class?
ASAP (As soon as possible)
When do you make up missed work?
ALL of class time
When do you work on assignments?
"That's not mine"
What should you NOT say when Mrs. Happ asks you to help put things away?
End of demonstrations
When do you ask questions?
What is something I bring to class everyday?