What is a coping skill?
An effective way to deal with uncomfortable emotions or situations
Coping Skills are used to avoid problems in our lives
Coping skills help us work through problems in a healthy way
What are the outcomes of using healthy coping skills?
We feel better
You might feel this way if you have to take a test you did not study for
Define "healthy coping skills".
Coping skills that are not harmful to you or others.
Coping skills help you focus on important things in your life
When we cope with problems and our emotions, it helps us think more clearly and tackle them better
What happens when you isolate to cope with your feelings?
You could feel alone
You might feel this way if someone takes your tablet
Define "unhealthy coping skills".
Coping skills that are harmful to you or others, and/or keep you from effectively addressing your needs
Every coping skill is healthy
Some ways we learn to cope are not healthy (e.g., like fighting or using substances or avoidance)
What are some other consequences for using unhealthy coping skills?
You can get in trouble, you can feel like everything is crashing down on you, which is overwhelming, you can hurt people and lose friendships, etc.
You might feel this way if you had to sit alone at the lunch table
Name 4 healthy coping skills you can use here at school
Deep breathing
Talk to counselor
Go to mindfulness room
Draw or Journal
Coping skills are something everyone is born knowing how to do
Coping skills are learned throughout our lives
What are the healthy consequences for using healthy coping skills?
You can feel understood and you can understand others better, you don't hold onto grudges
You might feel this way if you see other people with the new Iphone that you want
Name 3 unhealthy coping skills you can use here at school
Yelling at the teacher
Using physical violence
Harming yourself
Using harmful substances
Unhealthy coping skills are still coping skills
There are both healthy and unhealthy coping skills; the key is to knowing which are which, and utilizing healthy ones.
How do you avoid using unhealthy coping skills
Come to the counseling office, talk to a counselor, remove yourself from the situation, or take a break
You might this way when you are surprised with a trip to Disney World.