Entering the Classroom
Class Structure
End of Class

Where do we find the list of materials we need?

On the board


What do we do if a supply is missing from the supply caddy or broken?

Raise your hand and let Mrs. Hilt know


What information is on the syllabus? (3)

1. Supply list

2. Class & school rules

3. Grading policy


When you are working independently and have a question, what should you do?

1. Ask the others in your group first.

2. Use your flip cards and/or ask for help.


How do we turn in work?

Mrs. Hilt or Mrs. Igou will collect work during the last few minutes.


When do we start bellwork?

After entering the classroom and putting your backpack away


What supplies do you need for math? (3)

1. Composition notebook

2. Folder

3. Pencils


What do you do if you need to go to the nurse or see your counselor?

Let Mrs. Hilt or Mrs. Igou know as soon as possible


How frequently do we change groups?

Once a month


When should you pack up?

When told to.


Should we talk during bellwork? (2)

1. Quietly

2. About math


Where do we store textbooks and composition notebooks?

The two bookshelves at the back of the classroom, next to the backpack zone.


What do we do if we are absent?

1. Check the weekly outline on Google Classroom.

2. Meet with Mrs. Hilt as soon as you return for missing work.

3. Return missing work within a week.


What should we be doing during stations? (4)

1. Working as a team.

2. Engaging with the activity

3. Talking on topic

4. Filling out the passport


What should we be doing while we wait to leave?

Sitting in our seats and writing down any important information on the board we may have missed


What should we do when we enter the classroom? (3)

1. Check the board for materials for the day

2. Put your backpack in the backpack zone and grab any extras you need.

3. Start bellwork.


Where are calculators and when can we use them?

1. Calculators are in the supply caddies.

2. Try to solve the problem on paper before using a calculator.


What is the bathroom policy? (4)

1. Avoid using the restroom during direct instruction

2. Check the tap light.

3. Use the ASL sign "restroom" to ask to go.

4. Sign out AND sign back in.


What should we not be doing during stations? (3)

1. Letting one person do all the work

2. Talking off-topic

3. Talking loudly


What does last period of the day always do? (3)

1. Turn in supply caddies.

2. Make sure Chromebooks are plugged in.

3. Wipe down desks with a Clorox wipe.


What do we do if we are late? (4)

1. Enter the classroom quietly.

2. Put your backpack in the backpack zone and grab your supplies.

3. Go to your desk.

4. Hand me your late pass if you have one.

If your pencil breaks during a lesson, what do you do?

Grab a pre-sharpened pencil from the bucket and leave the broken pencil in the "Dull" bucket.


What are the 5 golden rules?

1. Arrive on time.

2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

3. Use materials and tools as directed.

4. Work during all work times.

5. Follow directions when asked.


What should we be doing during the lesson? (3)

1. Following along with guided notes

2. Asking questions

3. Not talking to the people around us.


Why is listening at the end of class important? (3)

1. Last-minute updates

2. Closing instructions

3. Reminder for upcoming events
