When in class is homework due?
What is the beginning of class
What happens when your chromebook isn't charged?
You have one strike. Three strikes result in a recess sitout.
Who are the 6th grade girls.
Math Joke: Why did the circle get offended by the triangle?
Because the triangle looked at the circle and said “You’re pointless!”
Penalty for turning in homework 2 days late
What is -20%
How often must everyone sit in their assigned seat?
What is every day.
Name one uniform infarction.
What is...
What is a test grade.
Math Joke: Who’s in charge in a pencil case?
The ruler.
Homework must be written in what writing utensil?
What is a pencil
When CAN hallpasses be used?
Coming to classwith out a pencil is 'prepared' or 'unprepared' for class?
What is unprepared.
Grades lower than a C will require what?
What is the student's planner to be signed by a parent/guardian weekly.
Math Joke: Swimmers love one kind of math more than all others, what is it?
Homework is worth zero points after how many days?
What is after 4 days
Finish the phrase: "If you see something..."
"Say something!"
Without cheating, name THREE ways to earn a point for jolly rancher wars.
Everyone arriving to class on time, no unexcused tardy
No missing assignments from classmates for that day's homework
Respecting the teacher and classmates (no insults, talking out of turn)
Staying focused the entire time
Everyone came prepared (math workbook, math folder, student planner, CHARGED chromebook)
Other exceptional behavior!
How does Mrs. Hokanson send messages to students and parents?
What is using Remind101.
Math Joke: Which tool is best for math?
The multi-pliers.
How many days do you get to complete make up work?
What is 2 days for each day absent.
The first & last 10 minutes of class, and during teaching time.
How do you win the jolly rancher wars?
The class with the most points by the end of the day Friday wins.
Finish the phrase: "Work hard, _____ hard."
What is "study hard"
When is Mrs. Hokanson's due date to have the baby?
February 13